Wednesday 13 June 2012

MYSTIC KABALISTIC JEWISH PRIESTS ISSUE WARNING THAT THE APPEARANCE OF THE JEWISH MESSIAH IS IMMINENT! by David Bay Permission for reprint here gratefully acknowledged. CuttingEdge Ministries As so many other End Times prophecies are swirling to fulfillment, Kabalistic Jews are now proclaiming that the appearance of their Christ is extremely close. The Jewish people are being set up for their ultimate deception: accepting Antichrist as their Messiah! Prophecies are being fulfilled right in front of your eyes, in the Daily News! NEWS BRIEF: "Imminent Arrival and Identity of King Messiah Proclaimed by Rabbis Worldwide",, quoting from Messiah Watch International, but officially announced on Art Bell Show, July 12, 2001. "As Hassidic Rabbis traverse the Holy Land publicly proclaiming the imminent arrival of King Messiah many onlookers wonder what the fuss is all about. These Rabbis explain in their excited manner that the Persian Gulf War was described in precise detail in Sacred Jewish texts as being the event which occurs as the identity of Judaism's King Messiah is revealed. Additionally they explain that the impact of the Shoemaker- Levy 9 asteroid into Jupiter in 1994 was also foretold in the Kaballa, Judaism's Sacred Book of Mysticism, as the heavenly sign of King Messiah's imminent arrival." These Hassidic Rabbis, also known as Lubavitchers, are followers of the ancient Mystic Jewish Oral Tradition known today as the Kabala [Spelled Cabala when it was "Christianized" during the Renaissance Period]. Before we go any further into this most exciting discussion, we need to stop to discuss what the Kabala is and why it is so very important to the appearance of Antichrist. The Kabala is the keystone of all Western occult thought and practice today, and is the cornerstone of belief for all Illumined Ones [Masters of the Illuminati] throughout the world. Whether an occultist is White Magic or Black Magick, their cornerstone of belief and thought is the Kabala. When Antichrist arises, he shall be basing his practice of the occult on the Jewish Kabala. Thus, the irony is that, when Antichrist strides out of the newly-built Jewish Temple after committing the "Abomination of Desolation" and begins his effort to slaughter every Jew on earth, the Jewish Kabala will have provided the major impetus for his efforts! Indeed, the Kabala formed the cornerstone of Adolf Hitler's occult beliefs, so this terrible irony will strike the Jewish people twice in world history. The Kabala began amongst Jewish priests who were corrupted by the Babylonian Satanic Mysteries while they were serving in Babylon during the 70-year Babylonian Captivity decreed by God as punishment for Israel's repeated sins. This Babylonian captivity is reported in the book of Daniel; it began in 606 B.C. and concluded in 536 B.C., when Persian King Cryus issued his decree to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. Thus, God's prediction to Jeremiah that He would punish Israel for 70 years for her sins [Jeremiah 25:11-12 came true precisely on schedule! During this time of captivity, apostate Jewish priests became infatuated with the Babylonian Satanic Mysteries, and began a process of converting the key beliefs into Judaism. When fully developed, this Oral Tradition "mystically re-interpreted" the Jewish Pentateuch [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy]. This mystical re-interpretation was nothing more, nor less, than Satan's work in twisting the entire meaning and purpose of God's original Word in these five books. However, this mystical re-interpretation was Oral Teaching, or Oral Tradition, as Satanic teaching usually is, since they do not want any written literature to fall into the hands of the wrong people. Then, as these apostate priests slowly began taking over the entire Jewish priesthood, they went beyond mystically re-interpreting the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures [called Old Testament by Christians]; they began to issue edicts that became known as the Traditions of the Elders. Jesus railed continuously against the Traditions of the Elders, calling them false and hypocritical [Mark 7:6], saying they contradicted the Word of God [Mark 7:9]. Peter called this Tradition "vain" in 1 Peter 1:18. Jesus railed against the Pharisees and Sadducees, most noticeably in Matthew 23:13-33. In this passage, Jesus said the following things about the Pharisees and their oral tradition. He said they were: * Hypocrites -- verses 13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 28, and 29 * Blind, or "blind guides" -- verses 16, 17, 19, 24, 26 * "Child of Hell" -- verse 15 * "Serpents" to be damned in Hell - verse 33 Why was Jesus so unforgiving and harsh toward the Pharisees and Sadducees, when He was so tender and forgiving toward the most vile of sinners? Further, how is it that the Pharisees and Sadducees could look upon Jesus' unprecedented miracles and ascribe them to Beelzebub, the Prince of Demons, and not to God? The answer is both shocking and revealing: the Pharisees and Sadducees were not traditional Jewish priests, but were mystic priests secretly practicing the Oral Tradition they called the Torah, which about 1300 A.D. circa, became codified and known as the Kabalah. Thus, Kaballists -- Secret Society practitioners -- killed Jesus Christ! We reported this in 1992. You will find this little known historic fact both exciting and enlightening as to the current situation. The fact is, the Pharisees and Sadducees knew the Old Testament thoroughly, including all the prophecies of Messiah; however, they had "mystically re-interpreted" every single verse . When Jesus came claiming to be Messiah and proving it by His miracles, the Pharisees and Sadducees knew He was truly the Messiah, but Jesus refused to become one of them! Jesus refused to keep the people spiritually blind as He opened the Scriptures to them, giving them the keys of understanding the Pharisees had deliberately hidden from them. [Matthew 23:13] They killed Him because they wanted to wait until one of their own appeared. And, he may be about to appear! Therefore, today's Kabalist Jewish Priests, now known as Hassidic or as Lubavitchers, are running around Israel proclaiming that their Mystic type of Christ [Messiah] is about to appear! Jesus prophesied this was going to be the case at the End of the Age when He said, "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive." [John 5:43] This Messiah Christ who will come in his own name only, but he will be received by the Jewish priesthood and people; however, he is none other than Antichrist. He is the one these Kabalist priests are saying is about to appear! DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION In the Satanic tradition, the Antichrist False Messiah must go through a death, burial, and resurrection! This sequence of events is ritually represented by the initiate as they "die to self", and then lay themselves into a coffin [death], only to be "resurrected" by the Master Mason utilizing the "grip of the Lion's Paw"! This Masonic ritual is repeated throughout all of the occult, no matter of what stripe or flavor. In fact, every Satanic ritual required to be a Grand Master requires a Death/Burial/Resurrection within the ritual. Thus, the coming Antichrist must have gone through this Death and Burial phase so that his appearance on the earth will be seen by his followers as the "Resurrection" phase of this Death/Burial/Resurrection scenario! With this fact in mind, let us now return to our feature article. "In 1991 Hassidic Rabbis of the Chabad Lubavitch sect issued an historic Jewish Religious Ruling. It states unconditionally that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is assuredly [Judaism's and mankind's] King Messiah ... Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, identified himself as Judaism's Final Redeemer during numerous public religious discourses in 1990-92. Rabbi Schneerson passed away in 1994. His passing, however, has not deterred these Rabbis from continuing to make their challenging proclamations. Kaballistic sources teach that Judaism's King Messiah will be revealed, become known to but a few amongst the world, and will later reappear to complete his tasks after his perceived passing." Did you catch that Kabalistic teaching? Let us repeat this quote, above: "Kaballistic sources teach that Judaism's King Messiah will be revealed, become known to but a few amongst the world, and will later reappear to complete his tasks after his perceived passing." [Emphasis added] That is the occult Death/Burial/Resurrection doctrine that Antichrist will be seen as fulfilling! Thus, the scene may very well be set that Rabbi Schneerson may very well appear to have been resurrected when Antichrist stages his initial appearance. However, if he looks like Rabbi Schneerson in the photo above, the Hassidic Kabalistic Jews will be ecstatic, but no one else in the world will care. Antichrist needs to be a good-looking dynamic individual if he is to capture the attention and worship of the entire world. One interesting possibility that may solve this dilemma looms large on the horizon. On August 18, 1991, I was sneaked into a members-only seminar at the House of Theosophy Boston office. The New England Director, Bill Lambert, had just returned from a 3-year stint serving on a committee called the New Jerusalem Covenant Project, and Lambert wanted to inform his members of some decisions just made by this Illuminist committee. Lambert began this part of the discussion about the coming New Age Christ, whom we will know to be Antichrist. Lambert first said that his appearance will be immediately preceded by a sound that will powerfully reach all peoples of the world on three distinct levels: spiritual, physical, and emotional. Then, Maitreya The Christ will appear. When people see him, the first of the biblically prophesied "lying signs and wonders" will occur. Lambert revealed: "When Lord Maitreya appears, he will appear as different beings to different people. He will appear as a man to a man and as a woman to a woman. He will appear as a white to a white, as a black to a black, as an Indian to an Indian, etc. It makes no difference whether you are viewing him in person or on Television. Thus, he will show that he is 'all things to all people'." Thus, I wonder if Hassidic Kabalistic Jews -- and maybe the average Jew also -- will actually see a "resurrected" Rabbi Schneerson? It is extremely possible, since such a phenomenon would work to guarantee the depths of extreme deception the Jewish people will suffer under Antichrist. While the Jews may be seeing Rabbi Schneerson "resurrected", the rest of the world will see Antichrist according to the scenario Lambert laid out, above. Can you imagine such a thing? A black couple will see Antichrist as black; however, the black husband will see him as a man, while the black woman will see him as a black woman. The same occurrence will happen worldwide, to every member of every race! HASSIDIC JEWS ARE TEACHING DEATH/BURIAL/RESURRECTION OF THE RABBI Now, remember our earlier discussion that the Antichrist must be seen as following the Satanic doctrine of Death/Burial/Resurrection ? As we read further into the web site of these Lubavitcher Jews, we were shocked when we read their explanation as to how Rabbie Schneerson -- who died in 1994 -- could still be the prophesied Messiah. "The Midrash (Bamidbar Rabba 11:3) says that the future Redeemer will be revealed, then concealed, then revealed again." [] This teaching is the Satanic concept of Death/Burial/Resurrection! Obviously, Rabbi Schneerson was "revealed" during his lifetime as he was proclaimed by his followers as the Messiah, right up to the time of his death. Then, he was buried [concealed]. Now, when he apparently rises again claiming to be Messiah, he will be seen as "revealed" again. ART BELL SHOW, JULY 12, 2001 A subscriber who listened to this show all the way through said that the Lubivitcher Hassidic Rabbi being interviewed -- Rabbi Moshe Yess -- announced that he had been authorized to appear on this Art Bell show to make this global announcement: The Jewish Messiah is ready to make his appearance. The Hassidic group expects him "any second". As I have stated in previous articles, the occult world is in a state of twitter, as they expect Maitreya the Christ any second. This "announcement" that the Jewish Messiah is nearly here may be the official announcement prior to the final "birth pangs" that will give birth to this false Jewish Messiah. If this is the case, then the world must be experiencing the final birth pangs of Matthew 24. Let us examine these birth pangs of which our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, foretold: * Matthew 24:6 -- "Wars and rumors of wars" -- not a day goes by without rumors of wars emanating from the Middle East. Israel is about to go to war with the Palestinians; once Arafat sees the overwhelming Jewish military force coming against his outmanned and outgunned forces, he will order the blowing up of the Muslim Dome of the Rock [Al Aqsa], blaming it on the Jews. He knows the Muslim world will become inflamed against Israel, forcing Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq into war against Israel, in a united regional Jihad [Holy War]. We consistently hear of Russian military plans to enter the Middle East, and we know prophetically she will do exactly that [Ezekiel 38-39]. For the first time in her history , Russia has the military capability to successfully project her armed might across her borders. Nearly every week, we hear China threatening to invade Taiwan and making military plans toward that end. China is also consistently threatening the United States with nuclear attack if she dares defend Taiwan; additionally, China has repeatedly threatened to sink the entire U.S. Naval armada the U.S. would send to aid Taiwan, a threat that is very credible when you consider that China now has the Russian supersonic cruise missile for which we have no defense. We are consistently hearing of Arab plans to wage terrorist war against the United States as we move to vigorously defend Israel. * "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom ..." [24:7] Throughout the world, in the past 50 years and continuing today, we see many such instances of smaller nations rising against other smaller nations in conventional war and guerilla war. Thus, Africa is racked with such war, as is the Philippines, as are several nations in Southeast Asia. * Famines and earthquakes in many places -- [24:7]. The world is consistently seeing famines in various parts of the world, and earthquakes are rattling throughout the globe in nearly a daily manner. * The falling away of those who did trust Jesus Christ [24:10] and 2 Thessalonians 2: Truly, the Apostasy of the Christian Church is reaching nigh unto Hell, thus opening the door to Antichrist. We have reached the point now in the Ecumenical Movement where a genuine Christian must not trust in any human being, but must be like a Berean who searched the Scriptures to see if what they are hearing is Biblical. * False prophets [24:11] -- Truly, false religions abound today like never before, commanding huge numbers of followers. Unfortunately, those Liberal Christian Churches who have gone into Apostasy now swell the ranks of the false religious prophets. Christians who do not know their Bible doctrines well are the victims of this type of religious deception. * The love of the great body of people will grow cold toward Jesus Christ [24:12] -- Today, the numbers of people in a true, Fundamental Christian Church grows increasingly small. Most of the mega-churches of today are filled with counterfeit Christians who want their ears tickled by the latest in human psychology and church growth doctrines, and who rebel against sermons on Hell and Judgment. * Gospel will be preached throughout the whole world [24:14] -- The outreach of Cutting Edge Ministries using the Internet, plus a myriad of other Fundamental ministries doing the same, has exploded the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the entire world. Christian radio is accomplishing the very same thing. Today, even the furthermost reaches of the world are hearing the Gospel. Until the advent of the Radio and the Internet, this Scripture seemed not ready to be fulfilled. Thus, it does seem that Antichrist is primed to appear. If this is the case, remember a few Biblical facts. 1. The first "Christ" to appear after the birth of Israel as a nation [May 15, 1948] will be the mystical, counterfeit Christ the Bible calls Antichrist. 2. Whereas, Jesus Christ will appear at the end of the Great Wars of the Book of Revelation, culminating with the Battle of Armageddon, Antichrist will appear after the great planned wars prophesied in Matthew 24. The Russian invasion of Israel possibly being the last war [Ezekiel 39:9 -- seven years] before Antichrist arises. 3. Whereas, Jesus Christ will come from heaven with his Holy Ones [Angels and Redeemed, Revelation 19:11-14], Antichrist will appear with his "Holy Ones" with him and around him, both "Angels" and Aliens] 4. Whereas, Jesus Christ will initiate his Thousand Year Reign of Peace and Safety [Revelation 20:4], Antichrist will promise to establish a 1,000-year reign of Peace and Safety. 5. Whereas, Jesus will rule from Jerusalem and establish a Millennial Temple, Antichrist will rule from Jerusalem and will rebuild the apostate Temple, from which he shall commit the "Abomination of Desolation" [Daniel 9:27] In every way possible, Antichrist will simply be a counterfeit Jesus Christ. But, you who know God's Word, and His prophecies, will not be deceived. We have Jesus' firm promise to that effect [Matthew 24:24]. Maybe the Guiding Spirits of these Kabalistic Jewish priests are telling the truth; maybe Antichrist is about to appear. All the other signs seem pointing toward this event. Glory to Yahushua,now and forever,AMEN!!! OCCULT MAGIC SCIENCE: Brotherhood of the Bell: Black Arts & Black Sciences: The majority of people worldwide do not know what the terms Black Operations and Black Sciences mean or how they are used. Black Operations were developed after World War I; but, really flourished after World War II during the Cold War. Congress allocated money to the Pentagon, the CIA and other Defense Department sectors to make the United States military as strong as possible, but certain projects became more secret than others did. The more secret projects were funded by the civilian sector at first - such as "pet peeve" defense contractors already in the loop- As time went on, the "privy" developed into a real clique of not only specially screened corporations but also choice individuals found by federal talent hunts. A new sub-culture was born with a new personality and belief system - separate from mainstream Americans AND REST OF THE WORLD TOO! Cutting-edge technology such as stealth aircraft, invisible hovercraft, extremely low frequency mind control, weather control, and cloning became secret sciences. The new knowledge was and still is not available to the regular Army, to Congress, or to any University. The most secret of the secret was in the hands of a power-hungry few that tied itself to the World Bank for the future funding of its projects. They developed "think tanks" - like Stanford and Tavistock - to keep the masses fooled about everything. The deception grew like a cancer into every area of industrialized society. They moved into everything from the Mafia to Harvard University to International Banking. They learned how to control the media and, thus, they controlled the television, Hollywood, every newspaper, every educational institution and every person's mind - at least to a certain point. Accusations of abuse and inhuman acts by the C.I.A. and F.B.I. were investigated by Congress in 1977. They used the excuse of "national security" for every crime they committed. Under the guise of "national security", there has not been an investigation of their highly illegal activities since 1977. Your Congress, your President and your Supreme Court are actually scared of them. A mountain of evidence points to the fact that they have killed thousands, including corporate executives and politicians - like JFK. They are thus considered the "Invisible Government working and controlin whole world goverements." The "Invisible Government" needs a name at this point,and that name is Illuminati! They have all sect religion cults and religions(because we need relationchip with God,but not religion at all,religion is another paganism from the devil!),companies,sects and major sects like:nasa,bia,cia,fbi,military nazi special police agencies,police,private police angencies!,GOVEREMENT SPIES AS PRESIDENTS(polyteist comunisthigh level satanic freemasons(120 degree freemasons like:castro,robin hood,adolf hitler,phocahontas,Joseph Broz Tito,and others like them...),polititians and presidents all arround the world,freemasonery,madia,demon chanters,celebrities and movie industries,movie cities,galactic federation meeting and aircraft and aero cult sect science channeling and all other and occult high tech operators(as ashtar commanding units),school teachers,advertisors,science channels& discovery networks,mcdonalds,rockefellers,pastors,comunity guiders for turists,defence forces,illegal imigration organisations,wepons companies,and starting to buy most of food companies to make gmo´s,all tv media especially comercial and national,all music and movie and entertaining industry!,cultures,floklores,secular organisations,propaganda advertisors,mafia gangs,companies with mafia gangs with special high level military police units agancy researchers,cover up demonic spirit channelers for media and entertainment,druids,un,eu,asian comitet,australian spy system,russian spy system,porn industries everyware any and private and all of those,and they control whole world! Half of the earth was religious sect system(We need to have relationchip with God,and religion is satanic system paganism lie!)-capitalism defended by the CIA... International Bankers and ancient esoteric secret societies with an octopus of intelligence agencies controlled the entire earth-even through World Wars I and II.Whenever a few cliques decided to go into business for themselves and break away from the monopoly system,we would have a world war.The same is true today;so do not mess with the super-bankers. The Cold War ended because of a worldwide cry for "peace". The old industrialist-banker game of churning up another war for the military-industrial complex was becoming more and more difficult. Their "think-tanks" had to come up with a new strategy to subdue this "New Left" ideology. Time, also, changed technology thus the bankers and industrialists no longer needed large populations to do the farming, work in the factories or even fight in their war-machine game. Advanced computers, robots and artificial intelligence bio-electronics and cloning eliminated the need of all of these useless eaters. Top secret meetings were held as early as 1960, developing strategies like, for example, "The Report From Iron Mountain The "New Left", with all of it's altruistic and humanitarian concepts would be the "Trojan Horse" that would bring in the largest "shadow of death" to fall on mankind in the written history of the earth. In "Globalist" books, in their reports at the United Nations, on their statues and art at the new Masonic airports, on their shrines like the "Georgia Guide Stones", they all call for a massive de-population of the earth! They also command eliminating democracy and culture under the guise of a new "think tank" invented international religion and government. On the other hand, certain racist New Right organizations have and are being manipulated by the Black Ops agent provocateurs to appear hostile to the masses through their song bird media. The truth is that these groups are very aware of certain concepts of the New World Order; but, they cannot see that they are being used as "scapegoats" and "patsies" for Black Operations" sabotage. The invisible government always uses some sort of chaos they create to steer public demand for social change - such as gun control. Their hoodwinking games are from the old Masonic term "Ordo Ab Chao." They create the problem secretly but their politicians come forward openly with a new solution - Order Out of Chaos. B.O.B.'s old excuse was "national security" for its cruelty to mankind. Now it is made of a string of excuses, like: "To save the children", or: "To save nature!" The truth is that "The Brotherhood of the Bell" is destroying more nature with its' top secret projects like the nuclear bomb, chemical and biological warfare, and H.A.A.R.P. (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) than we the "useless eaters" could ever imagine doing. When the Berlin wall came down, the Black Operations of the East merged with the Black Operations of the West. The "think tanks" now include Soviets and Red Chinese. They have mixed their ideas for an One World Order and have mixed their military Special Forces together in a scheme to execute the "cleansing" or "killing fields." What these "Brave New World" types do not know is that once again they are being used to satisfy the greedy appetites of the super power-elite! Those in the Cabal know that an inter-dimensional society, an etheric civilization more invisible than they are controls their minds and souls. They honor these Ascended Masters or Gods,(but God is one those are fallen angels and demons just and those demons are known by name idols) with blood and sacrifice - as they always have through the history of the Dark Nobility and Black Arts Occultism! They know the Lord of this earth is Lucifer and that he must be appeased(But thad one is devil,that mocks God,and that devil will be punished!!!). After the war, the scientists of both projects were joined with Nazi scientists from Germany and NASA and the National Security Agency were formed. Previous experiments, like "The Babalon Working", and "The Montauk Project" used Nazi occultists and scientists to communicate with and materialize inter-dimensional beings. They also started working on inter-dimensional time travel and eugenics/cloning. Thus, the Black Sciences were reborn as in the old times was,but not too much but close. The Black Sciences are the most secret of all secrets and are seriously guarded by specially screened soldiers of Black Operations. It is their hope to merge the seen world with the unseen world. It is their goal to make sure we have a "oneness-of mind" and are spiritually harmonized to a frequency that will bring this about. The Ascended Masters(fallen angels and demons) have commanded them to eliminate the "Old World",with all of its old ideas and all of its old people.A new generation with a "New World View"is the agenda of the day. The "Black Operations" work for the "Black Sciences" who worship "Black Occult Religions" of the "Brotherhood of the Beast." This ELF mind control is to create chaos in order for the populace to willingly disarm themselves for the future New World Order takeover-which includes the genocide of the majority of the world's population. The very people that want to save nature will destroy nature with HAARP, ELF, and other weapons of mass destruction. This is not about saving nature. It is about saving Satan in both a 3-D earthly battle and an inter-dimensional cosmic battle. Everything else is just double-speak and conjecture. Barby's deceased husband's brother the creator of the Church of Scientology, Dianetics and Silva Mind Control, Ron L Hubbard, was in a government sponsored esoteric experiment. During WWII, Satanist Aliester Crowley, Hubbard, and Parsons corresponded with Nazi Scientist, Wilhelm Reich, (Occult-UFO-Sex-Magician(kabala)) in an effort to open another dimension (a window) for the Ascended Masters to come into our dimension and breed with women as in Genesis 6:1. What is strange is that these experiments took place in the western deserts prior to the atomic bomb blasts. They were, also, connected to both the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project. (Dr. Spanoil, who has worked on Darpa, non-lethal weapons, Haarp, ELF weather control, and previously worked on the first nuclear subs. So, there it is. Psychics (witches) telling world leaders to unite and exterminate the masses and enslave the survivors for a super high tech occultic Luciferian Age. An endless network of paganists, masons, witches and occultists in an alliance with Nazis hired by the CIA in Project Paper Clip 50 years ago. A secret government sworn by oath to Satan itself to enslave the earth and destroy all those that do not worship him. Their goal is to bring the King of the Ascended Masters to Earth "in the physical " for all to see. That is why the project is called "Falling Star!" The Alien Agenda is the same as the Ascended Master Agenda. The Ascended Master Agenda is the same as the Psychics Agenda. The Psychics Agenda is the same as the World Federalist Agenda. The World Federalist Agenda is the same as the United Nations Agenda. The United Nations Agenda is the same as the Fema Agenda . The Fema Agenda is the same as The New Constitution of the United States Agenda.One world order and religion agenda! The fancy names new age nickname for fallen angels is“aliens“ who are the arch angels of hell. The world leaders are taking orders from witches and demons from Hell! This is exactly what is in the book of Revelations of the Bible. Even the description of the evil spirits that bring the United Nations to the Battle of Armageddon appearing as frogs reptoids! When the skies light up with an false„alien invasion“-that will be Satan and 1/3 of the angels of heaven falling (materializing) on earth. They will meet with the Illuminati Brotherhood. The man-made police state craft will come out of their secret underground bunkers. The television may call it the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Rapture,and „alien invasion“and deceptive stuff like that before real rapture of Yahushua. Take my advice: Do not go outside and try..... "To Catch A Falling Star!" greate tribulation,armageddon: Riders on the Storm In the United States Government‘s Black Science Compartment of the Black Operations, there are two major divisions. The first involves an electronics E.L.F. mind control and holographic imaging project known as "Project Blue Beam." where mind control radio waves are transmitted from man-made saucers to the targeted individual or group. The so-called UFOs are crafts which have light-ray bending capabilities to appear invisible or to be masked in a cloud. These hovercraft were developed by forward, not reverse, engineering over 50 years ago. Much of the hype about the crash at Roswell and the Alien Autopsy was fabricated because of the Cold War. - extremely low frequency electromagnetic mind control - flying saucers - cloning - the atomic bomb The second --- Earth Energy and Spirit Manipulating group uses a mixed bag of tricks combining occultism-black witchcraft with E.L.F. radio-wave enhancement. Groups making spirit or UFO contact come under the title "Falling Star" which symbolizes the effort to bring Lucifer to earth in the physical (an alien invasion of earth by the entire demonic realm and establishing a new high tech Babylonian World Empire). They are integrating these methods with HAARP, GWEN, DARPA, the "Digital Angel Chip“ and artificial intelligence with six U.N. World "Regional Super-Computers. HOOD-WINKING Sometimes, corporate and college groups are totally mislead on what their federal grant projects are really about. In the field, hidden intelligence teams monitor, document, manipulate and manage the human test rats. Many so-called investigative and recuperation organizations like the Human Potential Foundation are set up to accumulate data from the targeted victims. In many cases, the so-called "concerned" organizational workers are mind control or cult victims and are unknowingly doing intelligence retrieval for the C.I.A. or N.S.A. Intelligence has also created many so-called "help-sites" on the computer Internet. These web-sites may present themselves as a place for mind control victims to get therapy from the group. In reality, they are "damage and control" web-sites to see how much you have remembered or figured out. If you know too much, your life or career may be in danger even if the project or cult group you were in happened thirty years ago. They will try to reprogram you or they will send some "helper" to meet you someplace outside your protection zone. The "helper" may have a piece of the puzzle. If you are looking for "closure," he or she may be sincere in helping you; but their altered personality---through hypnosis or programming---may mislead you. He or she could be a Manchurian Candidate unknowingly programmed to set you up for a crime being committed nearby---so, you can be convicted and your story silenced forever. United States Patent Office electronic and mind-control patents of small, portable, transmitter type devices. It has the inventors, schematics, and all other written data about these devices with the official U.S. Patent numbers. Drawings in the book indicate the target area on a person‘s head is just above the ear. Some people are completely going crazy---like the school shootings scenarios---because either a corporation, cult, individual or the government is bombarding them with mind-control radio frequencies. Many magazines now offer small devices that use radio transmissions to run off pests, insects, and to train dogs.In many of cases,the result is always new legislation to be passed to eliminate our rights to own guns in the U.S. To this day, we still seem to be crossing each other‘s paths, trying to solve the mysteries of this phenomenon and the hidden objectives of the military-corporate-intelligence-cult complex that is closely associated with it. New World Order "think-tank" personalities that hang out on the Internet web-sites which are connected to mind-control. Be careful at those web locations. Lying con-artists, trained in mind seduction await, seeking out the weak and weary! A STRANGE MARRIAGE The Human Potential Foundation President was C.B. Scott Jones, an ex-Naval Intelligence officer who associated with characters like the CIA‘s godfather of mind control, Hal Puthoff. The D.O.D.‘s (Dept. of Defense) "doctor of death," Col. John Alexander of the so-called "non-lethal" microwave weapons program, and Hal Puthoff worked on E.L.F. mind- control technology. On the other hand, Dr. Steve Greer and Dr. Steve Basset of the UFO CSETI programs use psychics and mental techniques to call fallen angels and demons ". projects called "Falling Star. In one night, this mysterious "Falcon," with his face masked, shifted the belief of the masses about the alien agenda. On October 14, 1998, the William Moore TV program "UFO COVER-UP?---LIVE", with an international cast of abductees and contactees, was presented to a world-wide audience. The show, hosted by Mike Farrell of the MASH TV series, aired "Falcon" with his face and voice scrambled to disguise him. According to a couple of California newspapers that checked his credentials, "Falcon" was an U.S. Intelligence agent. That night, alien descriptions of fallen angels went from robots and huge man-eating monsters to cute little creatures that were vegetarians, loved strawberry ice-cream, Tibetan music and were very concerned about the environment, international nuclear disarmament and individual disarmament for peace. experience with E.T., he is nothing like the above and more like a "Trojan horse," lobbying for totalitarianism under the guise of angels in steel flying ships. If E.T. was going to help us, he would have done it a long time ago.God gives proof and ways of finding out the truth and in many ways and dreams,and with two: very sweet and helpful Holy spirit and Holy Bible that fallen angels are pure evil monsters deceptive nature fancy named“aliens“ unclean spirits like frogs reptiloids who do this as they did as in the times of old,as in the times of Noah.This is only a con-game for the New World Religion buffs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God is awsome,love,light,salvation,and even friend and our protector,glory to Almighty God,now and forever,AMEN!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recently,Dr. Greer of CSETI met at the Vatican with the Black Pope’s PR team and discussed worldwide televised UFO landing in the presence of U.N officials and leaders of the world’s religions and one world religion. In November of 1989, Hollywood’s "Millimeter" magazine (for TV and movie producers) listed the leading contributor to that show as the CIA. Need I say more? Mass mind control at its best. Read "Electronic Colonialism" by Tom McPhael, the TV news media‘s guide for mass brainwashing of the public’s mind-set. Is it any wonder we are instructed to trash our Constitution for some new, dreamed-up script that Hollywood and the ultra-liberals are pushing? Coincidentally, these states have the highest numbers of veterans of foreign wars and today‘s Militias. I wonder if the most patriotic are programmed to self-destruct in some way on some specific day? UFOs are etheric and spiritual. Toxic gases drifted off of the UFOs with extreme heat, radiation, and very high levels of radio frequencies.) At that time, both Greer and Jones told their organizations that the ETs were inter-dimensional entities. Today, when they are quoted in books like Dr. Lammer‘s "MIL-ABS", their stories have greatly changed. Sometimes the claim is that UFOs are all special, military, high-tech mind control games through hologram imaging. However, at the same time, they still are organizing civilian CSETI contact teams at UFO seminars; still reaching the spiritual, etheric, "Benevolent, Space Brother, Ascended Masters, Heaven‘s Gate gospel." This is a very strange contradiction between their so-called beliefs and their decided actions. A NEW RELIGION Dr. Spaniol of West Virginia, State College and the D.O.D., Dr. Sutton and Dr. Suffon of NASA all would duck and cringe when I would joke and call the Project the "Church of the UFO." A few years after I quit the project, a UFO Church called "Heaven‘s Gate" committed mass suicide! I think they were programmed to elevate themselves to a "higher-self" via reincarnation, a current New Age belief. Can you imagine an entire future generation volunteering to leave earth in the same fashion just to "make room for nature" as the Georgia Guide stones have instructed? You should also read, "Age Of Cataclysm" - 1974, by Alfred L.Webre and Phillip H. Liss, both 33rd Degree Masons. The book‘s Library of Congress card number is: Card 74-79671. This book is a carbon copy of the "Guide Stones," but contains a whole lot more. So far, much of its predictions and suggestions by psychics--like the Berlin wall coming down and Russia turning to Capitalism---has already happened. Also on the reading agenda should be, "Mt. Shasta-Mystic Mountain" by Emile A. Frank. This chronicle tells the reader that many UFO communes like "Heaven‘s Gate" have been around the boundaries of Shasta Mountain for years. The author correlates the beliefs of the aliens with that of the United Nations, globalist community, New World Order, the ultra-liberal Democrats and many popular New Age writers and cult/commune leaders. That in order for the lords of the underworld to come forth and rule, a ”cleansing‘ or mass genocide of people hanging onto Christianity must take place first. No bones are made, but that the masses must die and then reincarnate back to here as Gods, like the author‘s New Ager-New World Order friends. These are idiotic lies! Hence, the writer knows that the fallen angels today called fancy name„ aliens“are from other worlds (and their demons(hybrid star children) near timeand after flood f the Noah made transported to outer space,on moon and other planets)exactly what those that those who had contacts with Nasa and other illuminati sects told. The agenda of the ”Left-hand Path" is found in what they call, "THE PLAN", setting up of a "One World Order", an electronically, mind-controlled, totalitarian, police-state under the guise of ”Democracy." They secretly create the chaos, then their spin-doctor media groups ramble on about the crisis with ”Solution A‘. They then create the reactionary forces, like the KKK, that violently opposes ”Solution A‘. When the smoke clears, they come in with ”Solution B‘ which compromises our rights and property. Just take a look at the circus they called the 2000 election. The real motive was to eliminate the Constitution of the United States after imposing more Executive Orders. (Anything can happen, then.) Eventually, we could have a One-World-Religion, offering ancient human sacrifices to their God, Lucifer,that is not God and can never or never ever be God!!!That is fallen cherub prince light barrer fallen angel(rank:cherub prince light barrer) known as shetan,satan,sheytan,alah,aladin,ashtar,baal,belzeboub,and many fancy names,...ect,that is source of evil(devil).Out of the Skia or Gaia will come the Ascended Masters, the UFOs. This is the true Harmonic Convergence---when man and demon are once again united as in Genesis 6:1 of the Bible.We are in the latter phases for a new high-tech "Tower of Babel!" The Masons, the Club of Rome, the Future World Society, the World Federalist Association and many secret societies,along with all intelligence agencies,are pushing for this to happen before 2013. Thirteen means the "Rebellion." Keep in mind 2003 will be the 13th year of the birth of the New World Order when the Berlin wall came down. To get a better grasp on the psychic-propaganda these spin doctors are passing out, I suggest you go to their own public relations websites listed below and take a peek behind their fake smiles and masks. (Sometimes, the German Nazis were very mannerly and smiled as they led the Jews into the gas chambers.) A NEW POLITICAL "WORLD VIEW” In the late 1980‘s while on vacation, I stopped---out of curiosity---at the Edgar Cayce Foundation located at Virginia Beach, Va. At this esoteric library, I overheard the staff talking about a West Virginia University professor, Oleg Jefimenco, who was a telekinesis expert. They were discussing his experiments, also talking about how the C.I.A. and K.G.B. were working together in "electronic-necromancy." In 1988 and 1989, the CIA and KGB were working with Dr. Walter Uphoff in Sweden; their project involved communicating with the demons.This was only six (6) months before the Berlin Wall came down and the Cold War came to a conclusion. THE CLEANSING Expect dramatic changes in the earth and in your government during the next decade; it is all part of "The Plan"! When Bush, Sr. and Gorbachev brought down the Berlin Wall, humanist - secular socialism embraced capitalist spiritualism and black magic. We are entering a sugarcoated Dark Age.

1 comment:

  1. My name is laurent Boer (, and I have been harrassed and manipulated by an unknown hidden cult organization
    They drugged me insidiously, hypnotized me, they programmed my mind with hypnosis and several different kind of drugs, and they didn’t hesitated to do many illegal things including:
    - Under hypnosis, mental conditioning to make me feel terror to talk about them and what they do
    - use some addiction drugs to enforce the power of the hypnotizer on me
    - At work, air spray some kind of GHB drugs to train me to work harder
    - Under hypnosis, format my personality to fit their needs
    - Follow me in shops and coffee places to make me feel paranoid, harassed and under their control
    - Under hypnosys make me watch horror and homo movies every day under addictive drugs to get addicted to this
    - Installed software on my computer so they can remotely send subliminal trigger images
    - Under hypnosis make me hear for hours daily their speech teaching me that what they do to me is great and usefull

    How to get rid of this kind of secured powerfull worldwide organizations?

    Best Regards,
