Saturday 29 December 2012

These are grigori,the fallen watchers,fallen angels,angels lead by Semyaza who were inprisoned in hallow earth(abyss)...this is from 2008 when they were realised up by Archangel Uriel,they are now also zeta raticuly gray "alien" elite that speaks also in different new age groups then ones lead by illuminati,they speak thru channeling against illuminati and ashtar command,they are seond gruoup that wants this earth to enslave,they can still also appear with original havenly appearance in first lightbeing form also... REVELATION 9: CERN= THE KEY to THE BLACK HOLE in THE DARK RIFT of Earth THE BOTTOMLESS PIT.This also happened when they switched it on then and now on 21.december by satanic rituals.The 72 Chief Demonic fallen angelic Principalities have been released from the pit and are staging their "Alien" Invasion NWO,also these 72 are known as 72 spirits of ars Goetia.Project BlueBeam agenda is now switched ON!!It can happen any time!Grand Delusion as the global unity,"caught up" to heaven,dragon cast down in even exchange like lightning.A Craft "UFO""diety" lands on Sphinx.Claims to be the"creator","Ascended Master",here to intervene before humans destroy the world.Put forward their dictator,false messiah.The true Messiah YAHUSHUA(JESUS) said he will not in the desert,or secret chamber.Don´t accept crap from news on the media,their messiah will be counterfit demonic deceptive one Sananda. Also the sun is from where the stargates flow as cosmic serpents but there is some amazing way celestial ships use the stars/sun as a conduit.It would need the wormhole to open up from it yet not affect it from heat so the vessel would literally need to be protected by the wormhole itself firstly from the sun/stars heat somehow and the wormhole opens and the vessel exits far from the sun to be safe.They sometimes also travel at light speed out of the opening wormhole.Only God in heaven knows how this really works completly,we know just a portion of it.Holding major date setting by the Illuminati & Nesara we get to see deceptions,destroying faith,project blue beam false rapture,dates setted.Don´t accept any date you hear,it is all timing of these fallen angels,in the bible is clear that literally nobody knows the date of the return of the Messiah.Remember,God won´t change mind,tell to anybody just like that to tell others the date,that is deception.It´s comming from these fallen angels.The drawing of suns & crescent orbs on peoples heads is the old way of placing a title of origin on the deities ie Egyptian gods,but its not a title of ''our'' sun its a title of the Sun stars near Pleiades.All these star systems & religion in general they will use one day very soon to explain origins,& to unite all religions to one super Luciferian new age alien world religion,world goverement,one world currency ecenomy of Nesara mark of the beast revelation 13 ecomomic system! "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." —Revelation 13:18 THE GREATE "I AM" ADONAI ELOHIM YAH GAVE us revelations and enlightment what fully MARK OF THE BEAST IS THAT ALCHEMY AND SORCERY,illuminati transyuggothian magic AND RFID CHIP are together both spiritual and physical shapeshitting spuernatural abilities and monster powers,LEVITATION,MENTAL THELEPHATY,TELEPORTING!Hell is final reword as told in bible! This is the highest most dangerous&secret magic of the Illuminati is Transyuggothian magic that is carried out in order to reach Transyuggothian Space/trans plutonian(beyond planet pluto) for advanced sorcery and alchemy for spiritual mark of the beast,physical is RFID CHIP! "And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone." —Revelation 19:20 Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12 speaks of "spiritual wickedness in high places." Please notice carefully that the Bible says our battle is against wickedness in high places. That means our battle is against the New World Order also,that means don´t be ignorant people,protest against this abomanation before God Almighty in YAHUSHUA´S HOLY NAME,AMEN! Battle against the Satan´s New World Order. Our weapons of war in Ephesians 6:10-18: So we see that our weapons and defenses are: Loins gird about with TRUTH Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS Feet shod with preparation of the GOSPEL Helmet of SALVATION Sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD Shield of FAITH PRAYING in the Spirit Blood of YAHUSHUA AND THE WORD OF GOD MADE FLESH,AMEN!!!

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Here you will have explanation what ranks of angels are there and what ranks of angels YAHUSHUA(JESUS) revealed to us in the bible,and details of them 7 Holy archangels,7 fallen angels that rule this world thru illuminati and 7 sisters of Orion star system female angels that are fallen angels under control of 200 cheafs lead by angel named Semyaza they are also known as watchers and or Grogori. 7Holy Archangels: Gabriel(female),Michael(male),Raphael(male),Uriel(both male and female),Raguel(male),Remiel(male),Saraqael(female). 7 fallen angels under Lucifer/Satan(male cherubim): The 7 Fallen 1. Asmodeus( male archangel) ~ Embodies the Sin of Pride and is the leader of theporn industry ------------------ 2. Sammael( Male Seraphim) ~ Embodies the Sin of Wrath ------------- Also leader of Demon behind Thornados 3. Lilith(female seraphim & wife of Luxoferos Saturnalis(celestial name of Satan)) ~ Embodies the Sin of Lust -------------Also behind Aastral Projection and astral sex&lucid dreaming and related occult 4. Ahriman(both male and female chrubim) ~ Embodies the Sin of Sloth -----------behind star constelations and darkstars and Area51 and Nasa and all new age cosmological illuminati sects 5. Balan(male cherubim) ~ Embodies the Sin of Greed -------------Behind viorious Evil and leader of 1220 cults and religious sects and movments and legions of demons 6. Baliel(fallen male archangel) ~ Embodies the Sin of Envy ---------------Behind moon demons and leader of 88 legions of demons 7. Molloch(Moleck precicley original earthly name fallen male and female both cherubim) ~ Embodies the Sin of Gluttony ---------------- Morighan is his hybrid son archdemon and this Moleck fallen angel is behind satanic baby killing sacrafice known as abortion(baby fetus killing),and also worst enemy of widows,fulth,stupedity and ignorance and arrogance,and pride as other leading sins and leader of 10 legions of demons! Second group of fallen angels are class of angels known and called as watchers or grigory,not all are fallen watchers there are still multitudes of havenly holy ones but these fallen are lead by Semyaza who is both male and female angel who is leader of 200 male cheafs who have under command with them both male and female 7860 more angels. The Grigori (from Greek egrgoroi, "The Watchers") are, in one popular version, a group of fallen angels described in Biblical apocrypha who mated with mortal women, giving rise to a race of hybrids known as the Nephilim, who are described as giants in Genesis 6:4. A different idea of the Grigori appears in some traditions of Italian witchcraft where the Grigori are said to come from ancient stellar lore. References to angelic Grigori appear in the books of Enoch and Jubilees. In Hebrew they are known as the Irin, "Watchers," found mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Daniel (chapter 4). According to the Book of Enoch, the Grigori numbered a total of 200 but only their leaders are named: "These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Samsaveel, Ertael, Turel, Yomyael, Azazyel (also known as Azazel). These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them." (1Enoch 7:9) In Enoch, the Watchers are angels apparently dispatched to Earth simply to watch over the people. They soon begin to lust for the human women they see, and at the prodding of their leader Samyaza, they defect en masse to marry and live among men. The children produced by these relationships are the Nephilim, savage giants who pillage the earth and endanger humanity. Samyaza, Azazel, and the others become corrupt, and teach their human hosts to make metal weapons, cosmetics, and other necessities of civilization that had been kept secret. But the people are dying and cry to the heavens for help. God sends the Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim, but sends Uriel to warn Noah so as not to eradicate the human race. The Grigori are bound "in the valleys of the Earth" until Judgment Day. (See Jude 1:6) The Watchers story in Enoch is derived from Genesis chapter 6. Verses 1-4 describe the "Origin of the Nephilim" and mention the "Sons of God" who beget them: "When men began to multiply on earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of GOd saw how beautiful the daughters of man were, and so they took for their wives as many of them as they chose. Then the Lord said: "My spirit shall not remain in man forever, since he is but flesh. His days shall comprise one hundred and twenty years." At that time the Nephilim appeared on earth (as well as later), after the sons of God had intercourse with the daughters of man, who bore them sons. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown." (Genesis 6:1-4) Here, the "sons of God" are given no specific name or function; they could represent fallen angels, or simply heavenly beings that mate with women. The Book of Jubilees adds further details about the Watchers. While "Watchers" or "Sentinels" are mentioned alongside the "holy ones" in the Book of Daniel, it is doubtful they have any connection to the Grigori. The angels were fairly popular in Jewish folklore, which often describes them as looking like large human beings that never sleep and remain forever silent. While there are good and bad Watchers, most stories revolve around the evil ones that fell from grace when they took "the daughters of man" as their mates. References to other Grigori In the early stellar cults of Mesopotamia there were four "royal" Stars (known as Lords) which were called the Watchers. Each one of these stars "ruled" over one of the four cardinal points common to Astrology. This particular system would date from approximately 3000 BC. The star Aldebaran, when it marked the Vernal Equinox, held the position of Watcher of the East. Regulus, marking the Summer Solstice, was Watcher of the South. Antares, marking the Autumn Equinox, was Watcher of the West. Fomalhaut, marking the Winter Solstice, was Watcher of the North. In the star myths the Watchers themselves were depicted as gods who guarded the Heavens and the Earth. Their nature, as well as their "rank", was altered by the successive lunar and solar cults that replaced the older stellar cults. Eventually the Greeks reduced the Watchers to the gods of the four winds. Earlier mystical Hebrew sects organized the Watchers into an Archangel hierarchy. According to this system the Watchers were ruled over by four great Watchers known as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Auriel. In the Old Testament (Daniel 4: 13 17) there is reference made to the Irin, or Watchers, which appear to be an order of angels. In early Hebrew lore the Irin were a high order of angels that sat on the supreme Judgment Council of the Heavenly Court. In the Apocryphal Books of Enoch and Jubilees, the Watchers were sent to Earth to teach law and justice to humankind. The most common associations found in various texts on Medieval magic regarding the Watchers are as follows: 1. Araqiel: taught the signs of the earth. 2. Armaros: taught the resolving of enchantments. 3. Azazel: taught the making of weapons of war. 4. Barqel: taught astrology. 5. Ezequeel: taught the knowledge of the clouds. 6. Gadreel: taught the art of cosmetics. 7. Kokabeel: taught the mystery of the Stars. 8. Penemue: taught writing. 9. Sariel: taught the knowledge of the Moon. 10. Semjaza: taught Herbal enchantments. 11. Shamshiel: taught the signs of the Sun. It is these same angels who are referred to as the Sons of God in the Book of Genesis. According to Christian belief their sins filled the Earth with violence and the world was destroyed as a result of their intervention. Richard Cavendish, in his book The Powers of Evil, makes references to the possibilities of the Giants mentioned in Genesis 6:4, being the Giants or Titans of Greek Mythology. He also lists the Watchers as the fallen angels which magicians call forth in ceremonial magic. Cavendish mentions that the Watchers were so named because they were stars, the "eyes of night." Christian theologians joined the Watchers to an evil class of fallen angels known as the principalities of the air. St. Paul, in the New Testament, calls the Fallen Angels "principalities": "for we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers...against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in High Places". It was also St. Paul who called Satan "The prince of power of the air", and thus made the connection of Satan (himself connected to "a star", Isiah 14: 12 14) and etheric beings, for they were later known as demons and as principalities of the Air. This theme was later developed by a French theologian of the 16th Century, named Sinistrari, who spoke of beings existing between Humans and Angels. He called them demons and associated them with the Elemental natures of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. This, however, was not a new concept but was taught by certain Gnostic sects in the early days of Christianity. Clement of Alexandria, influenced by Hellenistic cosmology, attributed the movement of the Stars and the control of the four elements to angelic beings. Sinistrari attributed bodies of fire, air, earth, and water to these Beings, and concluded that the Watchers were made of fire and air. Cardinal Newman, writing in the mid 1800s, proposed that certain angels existed who were neither totally good nor evil, and had only "partially fallen" from the Heavens. In some Witchcraft and Wiccan systems the Watchers are beings who guard portals that link worlds together. Within such systems they are viewed as a spiritual race, a set of deities, or as spirits of the four elements. The Watchers are associated with the four quarters of north, east, south, and west. In some Traditions the Watchers are associated with the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. They are also linked to each solstice and equinox, as well as to a specific star. In Charles Leland's book Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches, he recounts the tale of "The Children of Diana, or how the fairies were born" in which it is stated that Diana created "the great spirits of the stars". In another legend titled "How Diana made the Stars and the Rain" Leland writes that Diana went "to the fathers of the Beginning, to the mothers, the spirits who were before the first spirit". Some Italian witches believe that the Grigori (Watchers) are such an ancient race and this reference may well speak of them. Diana is the Lilith fallen seraphim female angel who is wife of Satan/Lucifer that mixed with other angels and with human race. Over half a century following Leland's works, Gerald Gardner wrote of the Watchers and their connection to Wicca. In Wiccan religion the Watchers are evoked at quarterly "Watchtowers" to guard and witness the rites performed before them. In some Traditions each new initiate is taken to the four quarters and formally introduced to each of the Watchers. The Watchers are known by many names including the Old Ones and the Dread Lords of the Outer Spaces. In many Witchcraft/Wiccan traditions the Watchers are not only the guardians of the portals to other realms, but also protectors of the magic circle, and witnesses to rites. Each of the ruling Watchers oversees a Watchtower, which is now a portal marking one of the four quarters of the ritual circle. In Ancient times a "Tower" was a military fighting unit, and a "Watchtower" was a defending home unit, similar to a National Guard. Partial List of Grigori and Their Sources • Armaros (also Amaros) in Enoch I taught men the resolving of enchantments. • Araqiel (also Arakiel, Araqael, Araciel, Arqael, Sarquael, Arkiel, Arkas) in Enoch I taught humans the signs of the earth. However, in the Sibylline Oracles, Araqiel is referred to not as a fallen angel, or Grigori, but as one of the 5 angels who lead the souls of men to judgement, the other 4 being Ramiel, Uriel, Samiel, and Aziel. • Azazel in I Enoch taught men to make knives, swords, shields, and how to devise ornaments and cosmetics. • Baraqel (Baraqiel) taught men astrology (from Enoch I). • Chazaqiel taught men the signs of the clouds (meteorology) in Enoch I. • Kokabiel (also Kakabel, Kochbiel, Kokbiel, Kabaiel, and Kochab), in The Book of the Angel Raziel, is a high-ranking, holy angel but, in general apocryphal lore and also in Enoch I, he is a fallen Grigori, resident of nether realms, and commands 365,000 surrogate spirits to do his bidding. Among other duties, he instructs his fellows in astrology. • Penemue in I Enoch 69.8 "taught mankind the art of writing with ink and paper," and taught "the children of men the bitter and the sweet and the secrets of wisdom." • Sariel (also Suriel, Zerachiel, and Sarakiel) is one of the 7 archangels originally listed in the Enoch books as Saraqel. Apocryphally, he is the governor of the zodiacal sign of Aries. In the Enoch books, he also teaches of the courses of the moon (at one time regarded as forbidden knowledge). • Samyaza (also Shemyazaz, Shamazya, Semiaza, Shemhazi, Semyaza and Amezyarak) is one of the leaders of the fall from heaven and is referred to in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Vocabulaire de l' Angelologie. • Shamsiel, once a guardian of Eden, in the Zohar, served as one of the 2 chief aides to the Archangel Uriel (the other aide being Hasdiel) when Uriel bore his standard into battle, and is the head of 365 legions of angels and also crowns prayers, accompanying them to the 5th heaven. He is referred to in Jubilees as one of the Grigori. In I Enoch he is a fallen angel who teaches the signs of the sun. Summary: Angels Who Taught Humans from 1 Enoch. Some translations vary so two tables are presented below: Translation 1 Translation 2 Teaching Azazel Azazyel Swords Knives Shields Breastplates Metals & Metalwork Bracelets-Cosmetics Precious Stones Colouring and Tinctures Semjaza Amazarak Enchantments & Root-cutting Armaros Armers Enchantments & Sorcery Baraqijal Barkayal Astrology Kokabel Akibeel Constellations Ezeqeel Clouds Araqiel Signs of the Earth Shamsiel Tamiel Signs of the Sun Sariel Asaradel Course of the Moon Egregore (Egregor) The word "egregore" (also "grigori") is a transliteration of the Greek word, egregoroi, meaning "watchers". This word appears in the septuagint translation of the Book of Lamentations, as well as the Book of Jubilees and the Book of Enoch. Therefore an egregore is an angel, sometimes called watcher; in Hebrew the word is ir, and the concept appears in The Book of Enoch. Thus, Irim, the city of the Nephilim is again linked with the Book of Enoch, since the Nephilim, according to that Book, were the sons of the Irim (the egregores.). .Although the Irim, the egregores, are angels on both sides of the camp - fallen angels as well as faithful ones. Would you like to know more about these Fallen Watcher angels Angels? Well as it is described God sent them to watch over earth and preach to people,and they did more and made half animal hakf humans hybrid mutant beasts with their hybrid offspring as the result of first mixing of them(angelic race) with human,and they showed witchcraft,gave highly advanced technology,showed many classified documents of the havens and have names of first group of fallen angels who were lead by Satan/Lucifer and their hybrid offsprine wich was before their own naga hybrids of the firt group of fallen angels and witchcraft,magic,hermetics,builded pyramids and false spirituality and Builded Atlantis and sinned much and made humanity make wars and sin,and much blood sheed as it is described int eh book of Enoch they made and were punished for that.Succubus is fallen female angel that seduced male humans,and Incubus is male fallen angel that seduced female humans,and hybrid offspring was made of these lead by cheafs other both male and female under 200 male cheafs. panamanam: felix,panoramix,airl,lofix,andrix,semyaza,nera,electra,miloy­a,maya,leviathon,bephomet,haton,alisa,anabel,asket,trillion,­vriloskat,vrex,anda,inna,aros,azazel,andromalius,lilith (layla/laylathonia),samael,rudolf,nolia,ann,vox,fera,hera,mi­nioxido,lara,andrixomentius loxudremus,crosbrano bruno,plejari,kokabel,ino,uno,ramael,koana,kolix,kileyfus,gr­eyof,Yangon,then seven sisters of Orion:Maia,eldest of the seven Pleiades, Electra. Taygete. Alcyone. Celaeno. Sterope (also Asterope) Merope.-and list goes on ...lead by cheafs of 200 all male and number of them is 7860 both male and female,and all in one the one that is male and female both(hemaphrodit)! Lucifer/Satan is Prime Creator of The Galactic Federation Of Light & all The Biological Beings Therein.Lucifer Manipulates Human & Animal DNA from the True Creations of God during Abductions performed all over the world,to Create His Third Dimensional Species of the Universe that You will get to See on First Contact.Lucifers Hybrid Humanoid Creations do not have Souls all of them.Only the Humans Created by God.Lucifer & His Angels Roam the infinite Realms of the Fourth Dimension.His Main Purpose is to discredit YAHUSHUA (Jesus)as our God and Creator.Lucifer teaches mankind the distorted knowledge of the Heavens & the awareness of Self Exaltation.He will set up His Kingdom on this Earth & Help the Governments of this World bring Humanity Together into a New World Order.There are connections found between the fallen angels,the pagan gods,because they are one & the same,New Age Luciferian Alien agenda Satanic New World Order they bare.We can safely determined that the origins of the New World Order are Satanic to the core,given down to us in a pyramid like manner by these fallen angels;in order to create an evil empire that will be ran by them upon their return on 2012 in 21 the december.The head of the movement?No other than Satan himself.He will appear first peacfully to decive,yes Marduk Ra Lucifer with his Reptilian Dracos Nordic Blondes fallen angels from Orion Galactic Federation will arrive and Satan will pose as Ashtar Aryan commander.They Shall Mingle Themselve's With The Seed Of Men."Daniel 2:43 Seraphim,Cherubim & Ezekiel's Wheels Alien hybrids,Nephilim & the Days of Noah Do not rejoice O Philistia,all of you,for the rod of your striking is broken, because a viper (Antichrist,son of devil(Apollyon the archdemon)) comes forth from the root of the snake (Satan) and his fruit is the fiery flying seraph.Isaiah 14:29 Fallen angels have Technotronic Projection Inter-Dimensional and Intersellar Travel Draco/Borg Cybernetics Implant Technology Stargates. Fallen angels and demons are returning in Olympics2012 and in 21.december in 2012 and details of truth about them like who is who in the true light!:fallen watcher angels:'TYPE 2' aliens/grays, from the days of Jared,led by Semyaza,199in number,their 70 generations long punishment told of in 2 Peter 2:4;Jude 6;1Enoch is now over]Genesis 6/1Enoch [**not all watchers are fallen.There are multitudes of Heavenly Watchers still] original fallen archons & other angels : 'TYPE 3'aliens-lucifer,lightbeings,pleiadians,galactic federation of light [gfol][commander ashtar(satan)is the Biblical Ishtar/Ashtaroth/Astarte-all of them have names of pagan gods Thor,Dagon,Athena etc] Isaiah24:21/Ephesians6:12 nephilim:giants/titans,ruled before the flood,offspring of the fallen watchers and human women *New brood*of nephilim,created during *alien abduction*=Nordics/giant hybrids,part of the 4th reich ubermensch,they will work with gfol Genesis 6,Daniel 2:43 naga :another 'type 2' alien[along with the grays]-seedline of satan[dracos,reptilians,illuminati bloodlines,blue-skinned agarthans]1 John 3:12/Genesis 3:15 Orbs-interdimensional demons:disembodied nephilim spirits [hence,can manifest and vanish instantaneously]these balls of light pretend to be*crafts*in formation doing the physically impossible Project Bluebeam:holographic system[part of HAARP]will be used to help create the strong delusion and cause much chaos and confusion. 'The big space-show in the sky' Yahweh's Army of Holy Angelic Warriors:will be described as 'TYPE 4' 'aliens' by the others,Types 2 & 3 along with the kings of the Earth (illuminati)will unite to fight type 4 - the KING OF KINGS YAHUSHUA&His Supernatural Troops of Holy Angelic Warriors! Objects described as'Alien Craft'are: Merkabahs-Yahweh's Interdimensional vehicles of light [Ezekiel 1/Psalm 68:17/2 kings 2:11] Lightships-interdimensional vehicles of the watchers and gfol [Revelation 12:7] Vimanas-antigravity vehicles under human,nephilim,naga control [commonly referred to as UFOs and/or Flying Saucers][Zechariah 5:6] Vailixi-super-fast advanced cylinder shaped vimanas[commonly called cigar-shaped UFOs][Zechariah 5:2] Luminaries-what you have been told are stars & planets[1 Enoch][The coming war]"Then war broke out in heaven.Michael and his angels fought against the dragon,and the dragon and his angels fought back.But he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven.The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil,the Satan,who leads the whole world astray.He was hurled to the earth,and his angels with him"Revelation 12:7-9(world war3&cosmic war3)(in the time of esoteric agenda known as new world order or age of aquarius!)"For I am persuaded that neither death,nor life,nor angels,nor principalities,nor powers,nor things present,nor things to come,Nor height,nor depth,nor any other creature,shall be able to separate us from the love of God,which is in Christ Jesus our Lord"Romans 8:38-39 Ranks and races of celestial beings and angelic federations: THE SHEKINAH OF YAHUVEH AND THE ORDER OF HEAVEN: First Angelic Sphere: Seraphim (Flaming Serpents&radiant love creatures,most powerfull ones that sing without stop glory to God and sorrund his throne!) Cherubim (contain more havenly winsdom and knowlage,illuminating ones) Ophanim ((Thrones/Wheels) Merkabah,many eyed ones) Second Sphere: Thrones (thronos)(havenly throne guardians) Virtue (heeling and miracle angelic beangs,there are more female celestial beangs then male in this angelic rank and they are like elves and very beautiful) Dominions (kuriotes) ((the ones that mostly guard our spirit on the way to haven at physical death here) Principalities ((archons) (watchers,those who never sleep)(cosmic guardian prince celestial beangs)) Third Sphere: Powers (exousias) (authorities) Archangels(rulling warriors and messengers,watchers,commanders,princes) Guardian Angels (malakim) (heeling angels,personal protectors) (miracle angelics) They were first before us created,but all glory goes to God Almighty who created them,all creation reflects the glory of the creator! Family is copied from haven,family is copied from the holy trinity,Holy Trinity is family.God is Holy Trinity! FATHER: ABBA YAHUVEH,SON: YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH(JESUS CHRIST),HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH ha KODESH : IMMAYAH the Hebrew word RUACH (Aramaic RUCHA) is grammatically feminine as is he phrase RUACH Ha Kodesh. This is matched by the role of the Ruach HaKodesh as "comforter" (John 14-16) and the identification of the "comforter" with Yahuveh acting as a "mother" (Isaiah 66:13)… Moreover there are many passages in which the Peshitta itself pairs the RUACH Ha KODESH with feminine verbs and/or feminine modifiers… In fact the Peshitta Aramaic of Romans 8:16 opens with 'And SHE the Ruach gives testimony'. YAHUSHUA INDICATES THE SPIRIT IS FEMININE: In response to a question from Nicodemus who asked, "But how is it possible for a man to be born when he is old? Can he enter his mother's womb a second time and be born?" (John 3:4) YAHUSHUA responds, "No one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born from water and spirit. Flesh can give birth only to flesh; it is Spirit that gives birth to Spirit." (John 3: 5-6) When YAHUSHUA responds he is admitting HE was born from the Spirit also. HE is saying HE was not always flesh but HE was SPIRIT before HE came to earth, was HE not? So therefore, the revelation given must open eyes about whaty God is saying we are made in an image of God.We are but not literally,because humans not close look as God,but Holy Trinity is represented on Earth as family.Family is copy of Holy Trinity,that is why God calls us made in an image of God!YAHUSHUA is admitting HE also had to be born from Spirit and of course this would have to mean the one called the HOLY SPIRIT. There are only 3 in the GODHEAD are there not? HOLY FATHER YAHUVEH, HOLY Son YAHUSHUA, and HOLY SPIRIT in Hebrew called the RUACH ha KODESH. So HAVENLY FATHER,MOTHER AND HAVENLY SON,THIS IS PICTURE OF THE FAMILY,THAT IS WHY HUMANS ARE CALLED THAT THEY ARE MADE IN AN IMAGE OF FAMILY,THEY ARE MADE IN AN VERY IMAGE OF GOD AS HOLY TRINITY ON EARTH MUST BE PRESENTED AS FAMILY. So Devil beeing angry on God,making hideous errors legalising homosexuality:gays and lesbians in that way mocking HOLY TRINITY!!!Devil also mocks Trinity by making counterfit one: Satan/Lucifer as the father fallen cherubim male angel,the son Apollyon/Abbadon Archdemon hybrid hemaphrodite shapeshifter,and the Mystery Babylon the fallen female seraphim angel Lilith(Laylathonias Lili/Layla). Devil mocks God in many ways!!! Devil will be in hell one day don´t worry for all the evil in universe that was done.Devil is fallen angel high ranking cherub currupted position of power and wanted to be worshipped as god,using curches to accomplish that! Would you like help from being Depressed? Abused? Afraid? Tormented? Suicidal? Sick? Alcoholic? Addict? Obese? Witch? Satanist? Brotherhood? Want out of the occult or a cult? Hooked on porno? Dying? Diseased? Molester? Self-Abuse? Bi-polar? Etc.? Get Saved, then cast out these demons! These important messages are not preached in curches and this also is one of many reasons why curches are serving devil and not God,peopel must hear this and must recive God´s help,God can help literally to evrybody! You do not have to have your demons cast out to make it to Heaven, but it sure makes your life down here better. You also don't need to have all YOUR demons cast OUT before you can do Deliverance on others. There is no special anointing required. Jesus gave His Power and Authority to ALL!!!Curches didn´t preach such truth´s that evrybody and first the one who does that to do selfdeliverance as what person who delivers others first deserves this at end! The following Scripture is pertinent if you really desire to be set free through the Miracle of Deliverance: Colossians 1:9-10 For this reason we also, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to pray and make [special] request for you, [asking] that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things --- That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, acquaintance, and recognition]. Since ancient times the Angels have been venerated with great respect. Angels are pure spirits, sinless servants of God,and there are evil fallen rebelled angels also as we know. "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent to minister for them who shall receive the inheritance of salvation?" Heb. 1:13-14. The Angels are comprised of 9 choirs; Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels and Personal Guardian Angels Malakim. Particularly powerful are the 7 great Archangels spoken of in Apoc VIII:2 "And I saw 7 Angels standing in the presence of God". When Luciel (Bearer of Light) rebelled against God and became Lucifer (Prince of Darkness) one entire choir of angels followed him and was lost. Many angels from other choirs also followed him in his rebellion. "And there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon fought, and his angels: And they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and satan, who lead the whole world astray; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." Revelation 12:7-9 7 angels from the second lowest choir were so outraged by the terrible offense to the dignity of the Most High they positioned themselves between the Throne of God and the infernal offenders, prepared to defend the honor and dignity of God, in spite of their inferiority to Lucifer and his legions. God was so moved by their heroic love he elevated them, enriching them with many new gifts and graces. So lofty was their new office that they were given the privilege of standing eternally before the Throne of God to carry out the Divine Will. "And from the throne proceeded lightnings and voices and thunders; and there were seven lamps burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God." Apoc 4:5. "Bless the Lord all ye His angels: you that are mighty in strength and execute His word, hearkening to the voice of His orders." Ps 102:20 Anyways angelic and fallen angelic and their hybrid offspring demonic and all explained and Godhead trinity and how devil made counterfit fallen angelic trinity to be worshiped as God in this world where he is leader as YAHUSHUA(JESUS) told in the bible!

Monday 26 November 2012

The Alien Agenda: Fallen Angels, Demons & Alien Deception - Lynn Mar...

The Alien Agenda: Fallen Angels, Demons & Alien Deception - Lynn Mar...

For there shall arise false Christs,and false prophets,and shall shew great signs and wonders;insomuch that, if it were possible,they shall deceive the very elect.
We are told that the endtime delusion is so strong that it will deceive the whole earth into accepting the antichrist(son of the devil).This lie of the end times will even fool many who think they are now Christians.This is intended to counter the End Time Delusion,so that fewer people will be seduced by The Lie when it is allowed to come on the earth in full force.
Even though the Bible is full of references to Extraterrestrials,the popular notion that Elijah was taken up in a UFO is false.Significantly,the accountof Elijah testing the prophets of Baal delineates the separation between the false gods(fallen angels),the many manifestations of the fallen angels on Earth,and the True God ELOHIM.
Elijah gathered the priests of the"baals"with the people of Israel,and proposed a challenge,a contest between God and gods:
1 Kings 18:24 And you shall call on the name of your god;and I 
I will call on the name of Yahoveh;and it shall be, 
the god who answers by fire,he is the God.
18:38 And fire fell from Yahoveh and burned up the burnt offering,and the wood,and the stones,and the dust,and the water that was in the trench was licked up by it.And all the people saw,and fell on their faces,and said
"Yahuveh, He is THE ELOHIM! 
Yahuveh, He is THE ELOHIM!"
Deut. 6:4 Hear O Israel, 
the Lord your God,the Lord is one.
Literally translated, Duet 6:4 declares,"Shema Israel,Yahoveh Elohim,Yahuveh echad!" 
I AM Gods,I AM unified.
Clearly,the definition of the name"Elohim"signifies the one God who is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit( abbaYAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, RUACH ha KODESH).This is why God is able to declare:
The testimony of two witnesses is true.
The Bible declares"At the mouth of two witnesses,or three witnesses,shall a matter be established".( Num. 35: 30; Deut. 17: 6, Matt. 27: 16). It is also interesting to note that it is the second person of the Trinity that is especially called "the faithful witness"(Rev. 1:5).
The fact that Elijah himself will take part in the first3 &1/2 years ofthe tribulation as one of the witnesses of Rev.11further demonstrates the prophetic nature of the historic challenge between Baal and God in 1Kings 18.In the end times Satan will counterfeit the miracle of fire falling from heaven to persuade the people of the world that Antichrist(son of devil)is God (Rev 13:13)with the help of the"fiery flying seraphim"in ufos.
Antichrist(son of the devil)will Counterfeit Prophecy
When considering the identity of the antichrist(APOLLYON,THE ARCHDEMON,OR HERMES,THE ARCHDEMON), 
keep in mind he will SEEM like the Messiah of Israel.
It's nearly a month now and the world is still in wonderment about the strange spiral light show that graced the Northern skies of Norway. Russian rocket,a meteor,a UFO,and a stargate portal is opened by illuminati/freemasons,and yet they are working to bring their master,master of deceptions Lucifer.
One person who has no doubt whatsoever what the spiral represents is Benjamin Creme of Share International, who believes it to be a sign of the Maitreya, the Messiah,(who is apollyon the archdemon,the son of satan who´s name Maitreya is soo demoniclly charged that you must not read aloud,because that name is extremly demoniclly charged!)is is dangerous to say that name!By who will usher in a golden age of peace, love and justice,but nothing of that,that is a lie.That is a deception lie,and that one is anti messiah,antichrist also known as accended master.That is demonic spirit,that means that hermes from times when devil represented himself as zevs he made children,and one of them are apollyon the archdemon,and hermes archdemon messanger today known as Maitreya el,that will later possess prince arthur william of whales,who is final antichrist.There are going to be four.First is Barack Obama,second is samanda (Sanat Kumara or Satan,devil himself,as God as god of gods as before as zevs as god of gods with same agenda)
That is the goal for devil to make confusions,that he made war against illuminati,and then he made war with obama who is possesed with devil´s son apollyon the archdemon(one who is later going to be leader of destruction of 5 months of wicked people,who fallen angels and demons are not allowed to step on grass and plants...)and after that lie cover uf of antichrist defeat illusion is going to be rule with samanda,the devil himself as god,deciving nations to think he is God,but is not.Anybody who call our Messiah with translated name,they are not going to be protected,because devil will use that name,so we must learn real name of Jesus as real name of our Messiah YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!!!
Share International Foundation announced that a large,bright 'star'-like object would soon be seen in the sky.It is a sign heralding the imminent appearance of Maitreya,... The 'star' is really one of four enormous spacecraft placed around the world.Since December 2008 numerous sightings of the 'star' have been reported on YouTube and television news programmes.Share International magazine has received hundreds of photographs showing the 'star' in a variety of stunning colours and shapes.The huge spiral manifestation over Norway is an extension of the work of these spacecraft and is irrefutable evidence of their reality. Our information is that further such manifestations are planned for the near future.
According to Creme, Lord Maitreya is an Ascended Master who will be a composite representation and reflection of the awaited Jewish Messiah(BUT NOT REALLY,THAT IS APOLLYON THE ARCHDEMON),the coming Krishna of Hinduism(HYBRID/NEPHILIM),the expected Maitreya Buddha of Buddhism(ANOTHER NEPHILIM HYBRID(demon)) and the anticipated Imam Mahdi of the Islam trash(NEPHILIM ALSO).Of course,this is the religion of the New Age,the Age of Aquarius(demonic trash,upcoming now),and Creme is one of its foremost and truest proponent.A follower of the theosophical works of Madame Blavatsky,Dane Rudyar,Alice Bailey,Sri Ramana Maharish,Paul Brunton,Swamis Vivekananda and others;Creme is a known worshiper of Lucifer. He believes that the Ascended Masters are led by Sanat Kumara or Satan,and that they reside in a dimension above the Gobi Desert called Shamballa.In order to prepare us for the conscious enlightenment and acceptance of Satan,Maitreya must appear as an Avatar to facilitate and conduct the global initiation.
...In the coming age many, many people will see God as Sanat Kumara and take the third initiation ....When you take the third initiation you see God, as Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the world, who is a real physical being in etheric matter on Shamballa... - Benjamin Creme, Reappearance of Christ and The Masters of Wisdom.PEOPLE,WAKE UP THAT IS NOT JUST A HERECY,THAT LIE IS DANGEROUS FOR YOUR LIFE!!!FIRST OF ALL THAT IS BIG DECEPTION,OCCULT DESTROYS YOU in these moments!
Now, whether you believe that this is superstition or not, Creme and Share International have been received, accepted and promoted by prominently influential and well-established members of the Global Elites(ILLUMINATI AND FREEMASONORY).As a matter of fact, Share International Foundation is accredited as an official non-governmental organization (NGO) by theUnited Nations. These ruling elites see Lucifer as the true God, the Logos of our planet, the Light bringer, the knowledge giver, the Sun God; who will emerge following the ushering of the Luciferian spirit by Maitreya. Creme also believes that the Bethlehem Star was a UFO and claims to be in direct contact and constant communication with extraterrestrials (ETs) since the 1950s. It should be noted that he was an original member of the anthena UfO Society, an organization that believes that ETs will arrive on Earth in UFOs from space to usher in the New Age. Our extraterrestrial progenitors. Importantly and fundamentally, Creme equates the Maitreya, Lucifer, Sanat Kumara, Satan and the Ascended Masters with extraterrestrials, and calls them "Our Space Brothers." Therefore, facilitating thealien gospel that Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and certain other great religious leaders were of extraterrestrial origin and came to Earth to help mankind. Incidentally Society was also known and described as a UFO religion, worshiping a Cosmic Solar diety. WICH IS DEVIL.THS IS WHY YOU NEED RELATIONCHIP AND NOT RELIGION,BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO HAVEN THRU YAHUSHUA OUR MESSIAH!(JESUS CHRIST)
It is easy now to see why Creme would see the Norway spiral as a sign of his savior, given its resonance with the blue swirling logo of the Maitreya (see image on the left) and its previous Luciferic manifestations in ancient art, drawings, petroglyphs, aboriginal paintings, artifacts and spiritual texts. According to the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, the spiral is an archetypal symbol that represents the cosmic force. This force of radiant aurora emission has been greeted as the start of a new cycle, a new day, a change in the molecular structure of our DNA to a higher form of consciousness, a new dawn, and a new dimension for mankind by the messengers of the Galactic Federation of Light, who sees this as a sign of contact with extraterrestrials in 2010. It is interesting to note that Aurora is seen in the occult world as a precursor to Lucifer, the Roman Goddess of the Dawn, or the Mother of Lucifer. This resonates with the biblical text, which identifies Lucifer as the Morning star, the God of the Dawn, the Dawn of a New Day and the New Hope. How interesting, that the central themes in the election of President Obama centred primarily on and around those terms?
And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. - Revelation 13:1-3
n Greek HYSTORY,Aurora is Eos, the Titanic Goddess of the Dawn, who rose from her home at the edge of Oceanus, the Ocean that surrounds the world, to herald her brother Helios, the Sun. In the video for the Norway spiral, there are several shots of the rising sun coming up following the appearance of the spiral.A close examination of the illustrated Eos, shows how it fits nicely within the Aquarian Age construct, given that this Age is called the "Water Bearer." Which also fits into the times of the the watery periods from the Atlantean Age. Of course, Aurora and Eos extends back to the other times of Isis in Egypt, Semiramis in Babylon and Ea in Sumerian. But, essentially it is the hero story ofLucifer, represented in different forms, just like Wundarr the Aquarian Superman, the Marvel Comics character. THIS IS ESSENTIALLY THE SAME STORY - Just infinitely retold in endless transformations, mutations, alterations, modifications and deviations. The Hero's story. A reluctant introduction to a new world of adventure, enduring enormous ordeals to be finally resurrected into godhood, as exemplified in ancient of Ea/Enki, Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Arthur, Sir Lancelot, Luke Skywalker, Kal-El (Superman), The ET(FREEMASONS PUT ALL TO THE SAME PLACE)... Archetypes reflecting a singular narrative. The Heliacal Rising. The Phoenix Rising. Fighting a monstrously evil character with the sword of destiny, falling and seemingly failing, yet to emerge victorious. Incidentally, the sword represents the Piscean Age, which New Agers will be conquered by the Spirit of the Aquarian Age; and the hero is usually coated in the colors of blue or red or both signifying the Solar Deity, the Red Sun.
"They Are Not What They Claim To Be"
The Coming Strong Delusion - "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness" 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
Almost Midnight.... The 'orbs' and vimanas [see below] playing around in the skies worldwide right now are a good indication that the world is in the final stages of preparation and conditioning at the hands of the illumanists through Hollywood, the media and TV, for the big event that the 'Disclosure' seekers have been waiting for: 
There is a 100% certainty that things pretending to be 'aliens' are coming very soonto set up the antichrist's 7 year New World Order just in time for 2012 +/- a year. 
What we are expecting to happen:
• Signals will be faked by SETI [Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence] Pulsar Beacons
• Fake Martian rovers will "accidentally" bump into "evidence" of ET's - Phobus / Mars Image
• Evidence of 'ET' interaction with ancient man will be found at the pyramids/Sphinx and other landmarks 
• More earth-like planets will supposedly be discovered by the Kepler Mission Science occult cult high tech
• A disclosure will occur where so called 'aliens' are trotted out to deceive mankind 
[The disclosure will be semi-true but the 'aliens' are not from 'outer-space', they are the angels which rebelled against YAHWEH and were thus banished from the 3rd Heaven (Empyrean) and beyond]....
You will be told that the 'extra-terrestrials' are positive [galactic federation of light,but fallen federation they are] 
and negative [greys & reptilians],but that is swithced,because they mask up God´s Holy angels with space wepons to trick humsns!They say that will make war on ones who are Still working for God and will make war that they will lose!
Vailixi - Super-fast Vimana
Atlantean Technology
'Andromeda-Gerat' is a
Modern Vailixi
Retro-engineered from
Nephilim technology
Tr 3B-Astra
Modern vimana
Aurora Project USAF
Nephilim technology
Yahweh's Merkabahs
Vehicles of Light
200 of Yahweh's angels, led by Semyaza, sent to Mount Hermon to Watch over and preach to mankind, decided to take for themselves human wives. The offspring were known as the nephilim giants/titans
galactic federation of light [gfol]
'Higher dimensional intelligence organisation'
Allegiance of star systems led by the Pleiadeans
spouting bull****!
"Lift up your eyes and see what this is that goes forth...and this is their resemblance throughout the earth...Here is a metallic disk lifted up...This is Wickedness" 
Zechariah 5:5-8
New World Order:
Old World Order?Yes!
Rise of Atlantis !
Celebrity Players
Pushing the
lucifer's light seekers
False Christs
False Messiahs
Maitreya, Mahdi, Sananda,
and ...'alien' 'saviours'
"The appearance of the wheels and their works [is] as the colour of beryl, and one likeness [is] to them four, and their appearances and their works [are] as it were the wheel in the midst of the wheel. And in the going of the living creatures, the wheels go beside them, and in the living creatures being lifted up from off the earth, lifted up are the wheels. In their going, they go; and in their standing, they stand; and in their being lifted up from off the earth, lifted up are the wheels over-against them; for a living spirit [is] in the wheels." 
Ezekiel 1:16/19/21
Black Lasers?
Fake Planes & Cloaks
Revelation 9:2-4
"...and out of the smoke came something like...
they stung like scorpions
and had the faces of men"
Bible Prophecies
from 2,000-6,000 yrs ago:
7 Trumpets of Revelation
"All truth passes through 3 stages; First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident"
EU propoganda poster depicting their headquarters as the Tower of Babel, in direct defiance of God
Tower of Babel:
Babalon, Land of Nimrod,
Nebuchadnezzar as ruler,
the people united, an act of human hubris against the creator God, Yahweh.
God foiled the plans by seperating the people into different tongues and forcing them to form seperate nations
The FALSE alien disclosure will result in mankind being instructed to unite [under the antichrist] in order to 'evolve' and receive the gifts they will bear such as:
free energy, longevity, well-being and 'enlightenment'
The visitors will claim to be from 'outerspace' but are actually angels from the '2nd Heaven' [the cosmos] which fell alongside 'lucifer'
The antichrist's 7yr reign will commence with a false peace but turn into a living nightmare
Below: The EU building in Strasbourg, France
Replica of the Tower of Babel
The Naga
Offspring of satan himself
Polluted the human gene pool
milleniums before the nephilim
Reptilian Hybrids ?
satan's bloodline
Nagas of the NWO
The "Abomination that causes Desolation
Standing in the "Temple"
Matthew 24:15
"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet" Revelation 16:13
The Plan: On Record - 2001
Way back in May 2001, Dr Carol Rosin, at a Press Conference for the 'Disclosure Project' [in a rare instance of truth for them!] told how the Nazi war-criminal - Werner von Braun - warned her of the coming pretexts that would be used in order for the 'kings of the Earth' [illuminati] and the fallen angels to weaponise space [to fight the Lord's Angels during the Tribulation]:
• First, the Cold War
• then, a never-ending fight against 'terror'
• next, protecting us from NEAR EARTH ASTEROIDS
• ... the final card to be played would be, the 'alien threat' [this will involve the fallen watcher angels/grigori pretending to be 'alien grays']
• When they do that then will terrorise people 5 months and people are going to seak death but not find it!!!
Note the date, May 2001, - before 9/11 - [proof of foreknowledge], the endless war on terror is already in play. Recently with the whole 'Comet Elenin' and 'YU-55' hoaxes instigated by NASA and online disinfo agents, it's clear that stage 3 of the plan is in motion. This leaves the final card yet to be played - the false 'aliens from outer-space' ploy
If you are new to this subject, please watch this video so that you can get some idea of what is happening in the skies worldwide right now and how the mainstream media is beginning to plug these 'events' so that they become common-place in time for the FALSE Disclosure
Regular visitors to the site will see the puzzle come together as we attempt to try and fit the pieces one by one
The Bible passage [top of page] speaks of a coming delusion that will make the whole world believe the lie,it also describes signs and wonders performed by the "Lawless one"
This all data aims to demonstrate how 'aliens' are the fallen 'Watchers' and other fallen angels and that the current trend in UFO sightings, strange sky phenomena, chemtrails and Solar System mayhem are all part of the signs and wonders building up to the revealing of the 'Lawless One' [antichrist] and the world's introduction to 'alien' life forms will be the coming delusion upon mankind [many, many people have already bought into this deception]
The reference to those who have "delighted in wickedness" is also relevant as "spiritual wickedness in high places" is how those who we wrestle against are described in Ephesians 6 chapter 12:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" 
Note also that 'principalities', 'powers' and 'rulers', along with 'high places', are each an Office of Archangel [see:'Who's Who']
The Bible presents us with a reality that spans ALL civilisations [including ours] in which the Angels of God are here on Earth and their influence is unmistakable, the 'UFO' phenom is evidence of their presence ... [you have been indcotrinated to view angels as silly, soppy, things with fluffy wings - they are mighty, powerful, creatures, taller than men and 10,000 times stronger]
This site aims to provide the information you need to understand fully what will soon begin to unfold and how it ties in with scripture and the coming Return Of The King, Yeshua ha'Mashiach [Jesus the Messiah]. If you can set aside preconceived notions and taught doctrines, you can research & verify all the content on sites easily online 
Site Authors are not affiliated with any church,organisation or society.You need to find those that name monistry not after their name but as according to Bible!You must test spirits and persons that speak,and to read and to know Holy Bible,AND TO KNOW THOSE THAT TALK DO THEY REALLY TALK TRUTH,BY FRUIT THEY GIVE ANSWER WITHOUT KNOWING ALSO!Your battle is winning because you are on the side of Yahushua!Devil has been defeated since old times ,many times,and on the cross by Yahushua!Then by Archangel Michael,and is going o be again and again,AMEN!
"You walked . . . according to the prince of the power of this air, of the spirit that now worketh on the children of unbelief." Ephsians 2:2
What's really in our skies?
We no longer, out of ignorance, have to call the crafts seen regualarly in the sky 'UFO''s. They have names and can be traced back to the Book of Enoch when theWatchers [fallen angels] taught the Nephilim[their hybrid-offspring] how to make material versions of their Merkabahs [interdimensional vehicles of light] which are known as 'Vimana's
Objects described as 'Alien Craft' are:
Merkabahs - Yahweh's Interdimensional vehicles of light [Ezekiel 1/ Psalm 68:17 / 2 kings 2:11]
Lightships - interdimensional vehicles of the watchers and gfol [Revelation 12:7]
Vimanas - antigravity vehicles under human,nephilim,naga control [commonly referred to as UFOs and/or Flying Saucers] [Zechariah 5:6]
Vailixi - super-fast advanced cylinder shaped vimanas [commonly called cigar-shaped UFOs] [Zechariah 5:2]
Luminaries - what you have been told are stars & planets [1 Enoch]
Who are the extra-terrestrials?
Extra-terrestrials = inter-dimensionals/subterraneans/spiritual wickedness in high places 
Know who the *alien* deceivers are:
fallen watcher angels :
'TYPE 2' aliens/grays,
from the days of Jared, led by Semyaza, 199 in number, their 70 generations long punishment told of in 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; 1 Enoch is now over] Genesis 6/1 Enoch
[**not all watchers are fallen. There are multitudes of Heavenly Watchers still] 
original fallen archons & other angels :
'TYPE 3' aliens - lucifer, lightbeings, pleiadians, galactic federation of light [gfol] [commander ashtar is the Biblical Ishtar/Ashtaroth/Astarte(another names of the fallen cherubim prince light barred lucifer known as devil and source of evil)-all of them have names of pagan gods,because there is explanation about these,and names:Zevs(devil,ashtar,allah,aladin,budah,yoda,kr ista,sheytan,she-tan(shetan),satan,titan,lucifer,sanat cumara,baal,belzeboub,mamoon,mamon,baphomet,...ect ),Helios(apollyon,abbadon,alexander the great,lilith,carl marks,lenin,napoleon,padisshack,bloody mary,..ect)Thor(hermes,prince william,darvin,vatican,benedict bloodline creator,athur,prince ming,...ect),Dagon(darktwader,dino,atlantedox,para dox,imagos mastos filos theos satur satanos(satans servant is meanning,but real name is asomodeus),Athena,Pan,etc...] 
Isaiah 24:21/Ephesians 6:12
nephilim : giants/titans,ruled before the flood,offspring of the fallen watchers and human women 
*New brood*of nephilim,created during *alien abduction*=Nordics/giant hybrids, part of the 4th reich ubermensch, they will work with gfol Genesis 6, Daniel 2:43
naga: another'type 2'alien[along with the grays]-seedline of satan[dracos,reptilians,illuminati bloodlines,blue-skinned agarthans] 1 John 3:12/Genesis 3:15 
Orbs -interdimensional demons/djinn:disembodied nephilim spirits[hence, can manifest and vanish instantaneously] these balls of light pretend to be *crafts* in formation doing the physically impossible(as it is written in the book of enock,earth bound spirits.(in high places they reside)) 
Project Bluebeam : holographic system [part of HAARP] will be used to help create the strong delusion and cause much chaos and confusion.'The big space-show in the sky'(projected and played with devil himself,illuminati:kabalists,mystics,nasa cultists,and scientology occultists,freemasons,and others like this...)
Yahweh's Army of Holy Angelic Warriors:will be described as 'TYPE 4' 'aliens' by the others(lies),[see:Kardashev Scale for 'types'],Types 2 & 3 along with the kings of the Earth will unite to fight type 4-the KING OF KINGS YAHUSHUA(JESUS)and His Supernatural Troops of Angelic Warriors !
[The coming war] "Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.But he was not strong enough,and they lost their place in heaven.The great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil,or Satan,who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth,and his angels with him" Revelation 12:7-9
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor DEVIL HIMSELF CAN´T DO ANYTHING TO WIPE ME OUT OF GOD´S HAND!
New World Order - Deja Vu?
Is there such a thing?Or, is it just another name for an ancient Order that ruled prior to the flood?
"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun" - King Solomon (Ecclesiates 1:9) 
There is no 'new' technology today(that all was before from far before about almost 55000years ago and to the time of flood in Noah´s time), neither will there be any before the Lord's Day. What we have are replicas and repeats of what was on Earth before the flood.We have monuments [such as pyramids] that prove that ancient man,if not possessing the knowledge themselves, were under the instruction of those that did - the nephilim-because that was the only truth!
There are many artifacts that are fascinating and incredible and prove definitely that ancient man had access to sophisticated technologies, some of which supercede anything 20th century man could develop, hence, the above verse declares, "there is no new thing under the sun" - everything that exists today has existed before,and much more advance also.Even the technologies that the watchers gave to their nephilim offspring before the flood were not new - they passed on forbidden knowledge, but it was not new knowledge - it already existed before our sun was created - angelic knowledge ...
Your education was really an indoctrination which began with the illuminati [illuminists who worship lucifer as the bearer of light] buying up the printing companies after WW2 and taking control of the universities. Everything they teach, from gravity to false ,lies and hoax like evolution(devolution and abomanation),is a contrived lie to keep you from finding out the true nature of the universe
They are behind the NWO who's presence is now everywhere. They walk around you every day. Some are your favorite politicians, pretend whistleblowers, disinformants,teachers,school teachers,unoversity teachers, labourers,movie stars,scientists,news anchors, talk show hosts,preachers, etc. 
How did they get you to believe in so called 'aliens'?that are really fallen angels!
It started a long time ago, first, they told us that the sun is the center of all things not the Earth(but Earth is!!).This is why satanists and pagans throughout history worshipped the sun,they were taught to worship it by the annunaki/grigori/watchers of old - this is why the monoliths and pyramids that were built with such precision [using angelic technologies, some say, by Enoch], line-up with the solstices,symbolise,or,were dedicated to,the sun.Today,the sun-god [ra],is still worshipped by pagans and secret societies [right: masonic sun] 
The next step, with the advent of modern 'science', was to tell us that stars are a certain kind of object and the sun is just another of those objects. Then, when the bound angels [watchers & 'pleiadens'] were loosed, NASA and co were firmly in place to get us to believe in 'space', add a couple of fake moon landings and 'way to go'! travel is possible ... it's just a matter of time before the 'alien 'Disclosure' then - GOTCHA!
It's a battle for your mind and soul.They don't want your money any more... they already have all of that ...
The 'Disclosure Project' is the latest stage in the build-up to the NWO.The US government instigated the movement with 'ex-pilots' nicely in place to add their credible testimonies regarding 'UFOs' and their habit of demonstrating their skills around nuclear power plants [globally] - there are reports of intervention / interception of nuclear activities and even tailing of vehicles transporting nuclear materials/devices. This is done in a bid to win over the UFO observing public and spread the word that they are GOOD beings [and of a 'higher' moral standing than our own governments]- it is working!Those lies are deciving somebody of people! 
With all this in place the stage is nicely set for the Disclosure to take place. Following this, there will be global restructuring with all governments and countries dissolved or directly under the control of the global leader [the antichrist], whether this restructuring will be implemented after some sort of global devistation [such as WW3], after a raging battle with 'outside forces' [such as the bad 'type 2' aliens - reptilians and grays], or, at the bequest of our new found 'enlightened guides', is anyone's guess, all we can say for sure is that the antichrist will emerge and will lead the world under a false banner of peace for the first half of its 7 year reign before things turn really ugly for mankind under the second half of its reign.
Finally, the King of Kings, Yeshua Ha Meshiach (Jesus Christ), will return along with thousands of His Warrior Angels to do battle with kings of the earth(illuminati/fremasons), led by the antichrist and the fallen angels ['aliens' of all 'types']
The Original Lie
When mankind was in his uncorruptable, majestic state and walked with Yahweh,
he, the shining one [Hebrew definition of serpent], was there, whispering enchantments of his own very powerful magick that beguiled man & woman into thinking that they could be 'like God', and so, man fell, the door to paradise [3rd Heaven and beyond] was closed and man could no longer enter through - we MUST use the door Christ opened at Calvary 
mankind had to come under the same judgement as lucifer & his followers, no question, hence, lucifer is our 'accuser' when we stand before God, we must abide with him and not in perfection with Yah, unless, we come through at Calvary where our judgement is removed so that we can enter into the perfect state [thanks to the condemnation and subsequent slaughter there (Calvary) of One who remained perfect in flesh (the Lamb of God) and thus a Door had to be opened from Heaven to let Him in LEGALLY upon death - that door was opened for us]
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son" John 3:16
Soon, we will see how the 'shining ones', the 'super-advanced god-like aliens'(fallen angels), will arrive from 'afar', once again whispering enchantments to beguile and persuade mankind to abandon their God and believe their lies.They will come bearing gifts no doubt,promising'free energy',what a gift to mankind that would be,how life-changing,they will also offer, amongst other things,longevity,enlightenment and even transhumanism ....
satan is their leader, the archon angel/made of light, the Covering Cherub of Rahab, the shining one, the serpent of Eden, DO NOT fall into his snare of light, love, and 'transformation'
Well-implemented theories about 'planet-x' or 'Nibiru' being associated with space aliens and the doomsday prophecies of 2012 have been foisted upon those looking for 'enlightenment' [don't fall for it, ever. Enlightenment is the original lie lucifer used to enchant man and woman away from the keep of their Creator. It is now what the luciferian leaders of this world have bought into. It is their belief that Yahweh held man and woman captive at Eden and lucifer freed them with enlightenment so, by buying into the New Age religion of enlightenment that will come from the '7' or the gfol, you are in effect on the same page as your nemesis ptb. Do not let the countenance of these 'lightbeings' fool you, it is temporary]
satan's end-game began with the Nazis, beguiled by the Vril mediums into doing his dirty work, the scarifice of 6 million people and the murder of 30 million others in WW2. Planned by the occultists along with the Jesuits and illuminists, they would lead the world post-WW2 into 'unity' to ensure such attrocities never happen again, and so... the United Nations was born [but human sacrifice is STILL happening - every war, invasion, occupation is calculated and continued for as long as possible
Why would luciferians want a united world?
So that satan can once again rule, the final antichrist - he cannot rule a divided world
One government, one religion, one army, one leader; ready to do battle with YHVH and His angels 
The world was once united, at Babylon of old - God destroyed it and divided the people, the one language split into many new languages(also that means races of people),forcing them to form nations - to loosen satan's hold
satan has been planning to reunite the world since then once the time is right:
• stage 1 - the nazi holocaust [subsequent UN, EU, NAU...etc]
• stage 2 - 9/11 and the subsequent assault on non-compliant Middle Eastern countries [along with riots we're seeing now]
• stage 3 - the grande-finale - the 'Disclosure Project' - meet your 'alien' brothers - you must unite.....
Enter the Dragon - the antichrist will reign, hailed in under a global false-flag attack as a 'man of peace'
until the teeth come out
"A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee" Psalm 91:7 
"All of History is bunk!" - H FORD [a man who would know]
"The two great fundamental myths are Science and history" [Ellul]
As early as 1918 the Illuminati began buying the printing companies in order to control the information included in textbooks
The forces of evil have seen to it that all reference to themselves [whether they be fallen angles, nagas or nephilim] have been either removed, surpressed or destroyed outright from the 'history' of the world.They have used religious dictators, puppet governments and education systems to achieve this goal.
Whilst antediluvian artefacts leave no doubt that the ancient world was inhabited by vile creatures which ruled with tyranny,demanding human sacrifices, the science classes are still full of books that deny all knowledge and steer the masses towards the biggest LIE ever told !!!
The Great DNA Swindle
The 'fallen', who fooled mankind into worshipping them as 'gods' in old,antediluvian & medival times, are once again setting themselves up as creator gods.
In their 'transmissions' via 'channellers' & online broadcasts [as the 'galactic federation of light'] they lay claim to engineering mankind's evolutive progression from neanderthal man to who we are now by adding their 'star-like' DNA to ours. They are our 'true gods'
[..And Christians beware of the 'Intelligent Design' movement by many of today's scientists.Do not mistake these people as friends because they support creation science lies- they will actually endorse the lie that we were 'created' by our visitors - Panspermia]
There is no doubt that angels, as well as possessing some physicality [they can eat and drink with us], also possess the power to create bodies, the nephilim usurpers of man were born of their fathers, the watchers, angelic beings who took women as wives to procreate with them
They have been trying to replicate Yahweh's PERFECT creation in mankind themselves since we were first given life
Instead, they create mutations,first with the evil nephilim that subdued mankind,now,with their new brood,they await their final assault 
[see Genesis 6].
Evidence that they are once again genetically manipulating God's creations is carried by witnesses who have undergone some form of interference at their hands [including impregnation during the now common 'abduction' and subsequent violation of many women and men:creatures attack them represented as succubus,incubus,grays...ect]and we must not forget cattle mutilations
What is also evident is that our governments allow their citizens to be 'taken', they are well aware it is happening and well aware of who is behind it. 
"And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice" Book of Jasher 4:18 Book referred to in Joshua & IISamuel
[*** if you are currently being assaulted spiritually, suffering from sleep-paralysis or you are an abductee,it is100% powerfull and good to call out to Yahushua, that it will stop if you go to YAHWEH -- calling him in his son´s name or commanding to creature in his son´s name to leave,or rebuking and binding and braking!
As the United States began building deep underground bases [DUMBS], the angels seized the chance and began making contact with military and political officials.The earliest records are of a treaty made with President Roosevelt in 1933.It was William Cooper,a former navy intelligence officer, who blew the lid on the contact the US government had had with fallen angels today called fancy name 'aliens' [he knew their TRUE nature] in his book, 'Behold A Pale Horse'
Now masquerading as elusive and advanced superior-beings,along with their new breed of 'nordic' nephilim,as we saw above,they have been busy planning their end-game:
Stage 1: The Vatican's Nazis [the illuminati-nazi],the 3rd reich 
Create a political regime via occultists that will chase the false Atlantean dream of:
• the original Nordic/Atlantean/Aryan/Hyperborean super-race
• super-powers [transhumanism]
• beautiful,shining [angelic], countenance
• longevity
• the antediluvian [pre-flood] technology that existed on Earth prior to its cleansing
Stage 2: New Age Enlightenment
Once the regime is overthrown, from their 'home from home' underground bases [along with their escaped nazi prodigies] and inter-dimensional "wickedness":
• re-package of satanic nazi theosophy into a hidden way to public belief system of peace and love [new-age enlightenment]trash peace of garbage!
• infiltrating world governments,pretend to be space-brothers,just as this lie is lied in idiotic picture of nephilim and bigfoot hybrid and homosapians(us),bigfoot known as caveman,are kabalh uccult ritual uccult technology dna manipulating system created those creatures:giving sacrafices to nephilim and nephilim to their creators fallen watchers,and then fllen angels posses nephilim that thru nephilim,nephilim with their creators posses humans and posses apes who rape and have sex with young girls,and make then other genetic experiments to baby(witchcraft occult ceremony with occult technology) and then they made bigfoot and hairy humanoid apeman to make hoax!!!
• as 'The Galactic Federation of Light', introduce themselves to mankind claiming to be 'highly-advanced' 'type-3' aliens, whereas, we humans are 'type-2' - they want to help us evolve into '3's with a'spiritual awakening', initiating us into their state of'elightenment'
[many thousands have aready bought into this lie,especially young people and occultists,politicians,celebrities etc]
• claim to have added their 'star-like' DNA to neanderthal man to 'create' what we have become-a lie already planted in history, archaeological 'evidence' of DNA tampering will be uncovered either just proir to or upon their arrival
As the world spirals into chaos,they will claim to have arrived to save us from either/all or any combination of the following:
• the onset of world-wide rioting and the coming food-shortages
• massive natural disasters including extreme weather conditions
• the brink of WW3
• the 'grays' and 'reptilians' - the unfriendly 'type-2 aliens'
[watchers and Satan's offspring, who are really working with them of course and will join forces for the Battle of Revelation 12:7]
• Yahweh and His Angels [Creator God of all,of universe and all worlds and creatures,of the Bible,Omnipresent,Ever-loving, Father of Creation],whom they will label 'type-4 aliens'.He will take His people(saints,phrophets,elect,seletced elect,and those who love the truth)and Holy angels and then do battle with satan's army which will include: the gfol, watchers/grays, nephilim,reptilians/nagas and the(illuminati) "kings of the Earth" [Revelation 12:7] 
The fallen angels ['gfol/lightbeings'] will pretend lie that Yahweh is the agressor,imprisoner of mankind ... anevil alien]
[luciferians believe lie that Yahweh was the rogue who imprisoned man and woman in Eden and it was lucifer who liberated them with enlightenment]
They will claim that,in order for us evolve spiritually and receive their 'gifts' of knowledge and enlightenment, we must renounce our religious beliefs in a monotheistic Creator GOD, with special emphasis on the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible and His Son - Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMeshiach
There will be no room at the inn for anyone who will not let go of their Christian beliefs 
Isn't it strange how they would 'travel' all this way in order to get us to reject the GOD of the Bible? Once the world has accepted their offers ... they can lead it into a false peace with the antichrist in power
[Christians will either have been 'raptured', imprisoned/killed or, have fallen for their lies - there will be a"falling away" just before the end ~ will these false offfers from our enlightened 'friends' be the cause?] 
2 Thessalonians 2:3
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition"
This "falling away" could very well be underway as the next generation.We must seek and have relationchip withGod,when those who are really saved and want truth and to be saved seeking spiritual encouragement and help,as that it goes.Decived do this accept lie that religion is needed(religion is paganism,we need to have relationchip with God,amen!!!,going to a Babylonian church of some sort or a new age mystic mixed undeveloped Christian friend & or comunity,now look to the ever-growing new-age religion which mixes the esoterics with buddhism and shamanism,focusing mainly on meditation and 'spirit guides' [demons]
Stage 3: 4th Reich Ubermensch: New World Order
NOW KNOWN AS THE ALLIED UNION WITH THEIR MONETARY SYSTEM THE ALLIED UNIT [All other aliases had become too familiar]. Led by the antichrist, performing miracles and wonders and demanding peace,he will hypnotise the world for the first 3 1/2 years before he enslaves it and causes chaos for the remaining half of his reign leading up to the final Battle at Armageddon
" If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you" Romans 8:11 
The Fermi Paradox [Intelligent Silence] Where is everyone?
The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for,or contact with, such civilizations. 
The age of the universe and its vast number of stars suggest that if the Earth is typical,extraterrestrial life should be common. [Enrico Fermi 1950]
In effect, they should be everywhere in the cosmos, but they're not, they are only here with us 
Numbers & Games
"They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss,
whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon
[that is, Destroyer]"
Revelation 9:11
Project Bluebeam
Holograms will be used to fool mankind
Don't believe your eyes
"At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time. So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the wilderness,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it" 
Matthew 24:24-26
"Whatever you perceive to be the state of the art technology, any technology in the civillian sector,
in secret - they are at least 50-100 years ahead. Beyond what you can even imagine"
Bill Cooper 2001
[RIP - murdered by the NWO for the Illuminati/jesuits]
End of Days:
Days of Noe
Perhaps the most direct prophetic reference involving the End Times was the warning from Yahushua Himself:
"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man" Matthew 24:37
What does He mean? He also warned:
"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken" Luke 21:25,26
The most well-known researcher regarding those who claim to have been abucted is Dr. John E. Mack, who is professor of psychiatry at The Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School. A contributor to over 150 articles in professional (peer-reviewed) journals and a former Pulitzer Prize winner,he has impressive credentials.He has been involved in almost a hundred of these cases personally and has shocked the professional community by declaring that he believes these beings may be real and that they appear to have an agenda to develop a hybrid race ....[the new brood of nephilim]
At a professional conference on abductions at M.I.T., Dr. Mack asked the provocative question:
"If what these abductees are saying is happening to them isn't happening, then what is? Could all this involve a return to the strange events of 'the Days of Noah?' "
The Days of Noah?In Genesis 6,we learn that just prior to the flood,the Earth was plagued by vile creatures called the Nephilim-hybrid offspring of the fallen watcher angels and women
These beings ruled the tribes with tyranny, leading them into all kinds of perversive ways. Their technology and secret knowledge, which they learnt from their fathers, was foisted upon mankind way too soon. So rife were the nephilim and their own offspring, along with satan's offspring [the naga] which had polluted the gene pool of man milleniums earlier, that only Noah was pure in his ancestry and so .... Yahweh sent the flood
Now, the fallen angels are once again loose on the Earth, this is definate. They're once again teaching technologies to mankind in the D.U.M.B.S. and once again mixing their DNA with ours
If the fallen angels are not the 'aliens', then who and where are they?
If this is all true, we are once again in the Days of Noah and Yeshua HaMeshiach is soon to return
The Abomination that Causes Desolation?
"When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand Matthew 24:14-16
The fallen-angel-demon-aliens have been corrupting the bloodline of man'kind' since Adam&Eve were created,since their childdren had children...
ups my mistake about years there were about 5500 years ago... : Is there such a thing?Or, is it just another name for an ancient Order that ruled prior to the flood?
"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun" - King Solomon (Ecclesiates 1:9) 
There is no 'new' technology today(that all was before from far before about almost 55000years ago and to the time of flood in Noah´s time), neither will there be any before the Lord's Day. What we have are replicas and repeats of what was on Earth before the flood.We have monuments [such as pyramids] that prove that ancient man,if not possessing the knowledge themselves, were under the instruction of those that did - the nephilim-because that was the only truth!
There are many artifacts that are fascinating and incredible and prove definitely that ancient man had access to sophisticated technologies, some of which supercede anything 20th century man could develop, hence, the above verse declares, "there is no new thing under the sun" - everything that exists today has existed before,and much more advance also.Even the technologies that the watchers gave to their nephilim offspring before the flood were not new - they passed on forbidden knowledge, but it was not new knowledge - it already existed before our sun was created - angelic knowledge ...
Your education was really an indoctrination which began with the illuminati [illuminists who worship lucifer as the bearer of light] buying up the printing companies after WW2 and taking control of the universities. Everything they teach, from gravity to false ,lies and hoax like evolution(devolution and abomanation),is a contrived lie to keep you from finding out the true nature of the universe
They are behind the NWO who's presence is now everywhere.They walk around you every day. Some are your favorite politicians, pretend whistleblowers, disinformants,teachers,school teachers,unoversity teachers, labourers,movie stars,scientists,news anchors, talk show hosts,preachers, etc. 
How did they get you to believe in so called 'aliens'?that are really fallen angels!
It started a long time ago, first, they told us that the sun is the center of all things not the Earth(but Earth is!!).This is why satanists and pagans throughout history worshipped the sun,they were taught to worship it by the annunaki/grigori/watchers of old - this is why the monoliths and pyramids that were built with such precision [using angelic technologies, some say, by Enoch], line-up with the solstices,symbolise,or,were dedicated to,the sun.Today,the sun-god [ra],is still worshipped by pagans and secret societies [right: masonic sun] 
The next step, with the advent of modern 'science', was to tell us that stars are a certain kind of object and the sun is just another of those objects. Then, when the bound angels [watchers & 'pleiadens'] were loosed, NASA and co were firmly in place to get us to believe in 'space', add a couple of fake moon landings and 'way to go'! travel is possible ... it's just a matter of time before the 'alien 'Disclosure' then - GOTCHA!
There is no 'new' technology today(that all was before from far before about almost 5500years ago and to the time of flood in Noah´s time),
that part
so called "evolution" is hybridisation or genetic manipulation,and that is abomanation before God Almighty the most high abba YAHUVEH,and God hates this soo much,and there are half animals/half humans that fallen angels use to attack and decive us with!